Chapter 1: I Suffer in Silence

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I clutched my life, And wished it kept. My dearest love, I'm not done yet.


I was told by every High Fae in the court that the dreaded island of Prythian was our right. That it was to be our home when we won the war. My uncle was certain the war wouldn't last longer than a few years. He insisted the lords fighting for the mortals would soon see how futile it really was.

I wasn't as optimistic as him. Everywhere there was gossip, I heard the stories of rebellions on the continent. People spoke of High Fae and mortals standing on level ground, fighting together as one. I, and everyone around me, were living through history. And I knew... I would not be on the losing side.

The summer sun hung high in the sky above the water. Rippling waves reflected pale light upward. My window stood on the west facing side of the island, where the wind drew with it a salty smell of seagrass.

In any other life, I may have enjoyed such a smell. But it followed me everywhere I went on this forsaken island, and it coated every surface it could reach with the sandy grains of salt.

The door opened with a creak. It was old slabs of thick wood so heavy that it scrapped across the stone floor. I stood from my chair by the window and looked at who disturbed me. It was a young mortal slave. Her auburn hair tied in a tight bun, leaving no stray strands to curl around her sharp face.

"My lady, he's summoned you," the woman said. I knew her well. She was my handmaiden. Nalia was my closest companion in this place. She was the only person I could trust to slit my throat when the time came.

It may be a morbid thought, but it was the truth. I was the greatest ransom in this war. To take me hostage could be the very thing that ends the war between High Fae and mortal—now that my uncle was at the front of the fighting.

I took a deep breath and smoothed the front of my silk dress. Nalia opened the door wider and followed me out of the room. She linked our elbows, and our steps landed in sync as we walked down the cold halls.

"The king is planning another campaign," she said, leaning in to whisper. "Apparently, he believes our allies have found a way to weaken the enemy."

"Then you must leave tonight," I hissed back.

She shook her head. "I will not leave your side, my lady. But my family payed to travel with the next trade ship north."

I pressed my lips into a thin line and watched as the guard passed us. His grey jacket stood out against the dark walls of stone bricks. After the first assassination attempt, my uncle spared no expense to keep this place a fortress. I despised it.

"Please, be careful when you gather this information," I said, squeezing her hand.

Nalia gave a small and weak smile. "I am. I take the tonic every morning."

"Yes, but you can never be too careful."

"I should be worried about you, my lady. With what I've heard, your uncle might travel to Prythian himself. And I expect he'd take you with him."

"To the very heart of the war? My uncle is smart enough to keep me far away."

"Some generals are growing nervous," she said as we turned the last corner. "They said he's getting restless at how long the war has gone on. That he is afraid of defeat."

"The king is never afraid," I said, voice as sturdy as the walls around us.

She sighed and unlinked our arms to get the door. "I hope that will be his downfall, my lady."

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