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"Hey! You can't just casually drop your biggest secret and just walk away like it's nothing! Because it's not! This is huge! This...this is a lot to process!....YOU'RE BI?!" Lizzie rambled. I turned around and looked at her. "What part of "I'm bi" did you not understand?" I asked. "Well sorry if I can't get over the fact that my friend just casually outed himself to me." She answered sarcastically. I dropped my head, lifting it up to look at her. "You need a hug?" I asked. "What? No. I don't need a hug." She argued.

"Come on. Come here. You know you do." I stated. "I don't want a hug." She restated. "Sure you don't. Come on. Going once." I said stretching my arms to my side. "I'm not hugging you, Nik." She crossing her arms. "Uh-huh. Going twice. You know you want to." I told her smirking. "It's not gonna work." She said looking away. "I don't know about that." I countered. "Not doing it." She said.

"Lizzie! Get the fucking hint! I'm the one that needs a hug!" I said dropping my arms to my side as I dropped my head. "What?" She croaked. "Liz. Not many people about me know. Only Hope, Josie, my parents, and my aunts Rebekah and Freya know." I explained quietly. "How long?" She questioned. "For a few years. During the time when my family were around the world trying to stay away from each other to protect me and Hope from the Hollow. Before anyone else found out, Hope was the only one that knew. Well, she found out on her own. In a way that...I didn't want her to." I explained.

"What do you mean?" She asked. "Well, let's just say that I wasn't the only one in my bed at the time." I pointed out. Her eyes went wider. "You were..." She started. "Yeah." I finished ashamed blushing. "Wow." She said. "Look, remember when I was being hunted by that giant monster called the Beast?" I asked. "Yeah. Why?" She said.

"And do you remember that muscular guy with black crew cut hair, thick facial hair, and piercing blue eyes?" I asked again. "Vaguely. The guy in the navy blue v-neck, right? Yeah I remember. Why?" She answered. "He's the guy." I stated. "The guy? Oh! You mean the guy you were--" She started. "Yeah. That guy. He's my ex." I explained. "Damn. He was hot. Why did you break up with him? I mean no offense to Josie. But he was something else." Lizzie pointed out.

"Lizzie!" I exclaimed. "Sorry. But it's true." She said. "I broke up with him when I headed back to school after Summer ended." I said as we crossed the street avoiding the cars again. "Did you two know?" She asked curious. "Liz!" I exclaimed again. "Sorry." She apologized. "Never said no." She pointed out. "Never said yes either." I argued. She gasped.

"You totally did! Oh my God! How was he? Was he good at it? Did it hurt?" She rattled. I grabbed Lizzie by her shoulders. "Liz. Sweetheart. Breathe." I told her. "And to answer your question seeing how you probably won't stop asking me about it. Yes. Lizzie. We had sex. You happy now? He fucked me. I fucked him. And he was god-damn good at it. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I asked. Lizzie hid her wide smile with her hand. "Possibly." She squeaked smiling. I shook my head scoffing. "God you're adorable." I said walking away. "Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop." She said catching up to me and walking beside me. "You good now?" I asked her. "Yeah. I'm good. I'm fine." She said. "Cool. Now let's get out of here so I can stop Josie from being fucked by the wrong guy." I said walking away.


I stood inside Salvatore School and looked around. "Hey. You're friends with Niklaus, right?" A girl asked me. I turned around to find a girl with brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Uh. Yeah." I answered. "Do you know where I could find him?" She asked. "Actually I was hoping I could do that myself." I stated. "Oh. Are you two..." She started. "Are we...what?" I asked confused. "Together?" She finished. "Together? Wha--OH! No! We're not together like that. If that's what you meant. We're just friends." I answered. Sadly. I shook the thought from my head. "Hey babe. Where've you been? I've been looking around for you." A boy said with long curly hair that belonged on the head of viking. "Oh! I was..." She stammered. "She was helping me find where the bathroom was." I interjected. "Oh! That's down the hall to your left, mate." He said with a smile. "Thanks." I said going in that direction.

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