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I sat on the grass working out in the square staring at the portal to Malivore. "Stiles. Niklaus. Mikaelson." A voice called out. My eyes went wide as I scrambled to my feet and spun around. I found Lizzie. "What?" I asked. "It's official. I remember everything. When I woke up from that spell Josie blasted me with, you popped into my messed-up brain like an acid flashback." She explained.

"How? You are literally the only person on the planet who knows that I exist." I told her before going in for a hug. "Epic former frenemy reunion is gonna have to wait. We have bigger drama." She said stopping me. "Josie and Chad are having sex tonight." She told me. "What?" I asked quietly. "There's a decade dance." She answered. "Okay, well, that doesn't mean..." I started.

"She asked me to find an excuse to stay with my dad and Andrea. You have to stop it. Tell your truth. Spill your beans. Tell your tale." She explained. "Wait...who's Andrea?" I asked confused. "Her...daughter." She answered awkwardly. My eyes went wide as I shook my head. "Her what now?!" I exclaimed.

"Where the hell did she get a kid? WHO the hell did she HAVE a kid with?!" I questioned. "She doesn't know. She found out she was pregnant and next thing you know 9 months later she has a kid. A low and behold, guess what? Nine months later, here YOU are back from jumping into Malivore like a dumbass." She said.

I froze. "St-Stiles?" She asked snapping her fingers in front of me. "You okay?" She asked. "What? Yeah! Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be okay? There's absolutely nothing wrong with how...I'm....feeling...right now." I said breathing rapidly. "Stiles breathe." She said grabbing my shoulders. "Can't. I think...I think I'm...I think I'm. Going down." I said as my eyes closed and I fell back onto the ground unconscious.


My eyes went wide watching Stiles faint and collapsing to the ground. Something I had never seen before in my entire life. Because Stiles was supposed to be the strong Mikaelson twin that never showed his emotions. This one...seemed...different. Maybe nine months in a pit of darkness and nothing changes you. I knelt down beside him and shook him. "Stiles? Stiles!" I said.

I raised my hand and slapped him across the face. His eyes widened before exclaiming. "For real?!" He strained holding his reddened cheek. "Sorry!" I said helping him to his feet. "Why didn't you tell her?" I asked. "Because I didn't want to be the one to break her heart. That's your job." She answered. I opened my mouth to argue before closing it and nodding my head briefly.

"Touché." I stated. "Ugh. Not a good time." She said looking over my shoulder. I turned around to find a woman. "Who the hell are you?" I asked her. "I'm the Keeper." She answered.

"Ah. And this is gonna be a lot easier than I thought." She said with a laugh before holding up a hand. "Welcome to the game." She said before disappearing with a blink and 80s' video game sound. "Well, that was anticlimactic." Lizzie announced. "We have to get to the school to protect Landon." I told her.

"More like protect Josie from Chad by warning her that she's about to have sex with a human-sized muppet." She stated as we went to cross the street. A tire screech caught our attention as a DeLorean sped down the street and hit the two of us. My eyes opened and I sat up next to Lizzie confused. "What just happened?" She asked. "I think the game just started." I answered.

I got to my feet and looked around at the square. "Never would've imagined that I'd get hit by a time machine." I joked. "Nerd." Lizzie joked. "Hey! Back to the Future is one of the greatest movies in cinema history. Don't hate on my movie." I said defensively. She threw her hands into the air. "Sorry. Forget I said anything." She stated. "

"Thank you. Now. Let's head back to the school." I told her. I went to step in the street before being pulled back by Lizzie. "Ever heard of road rules?" She asked looking down both ways of the street. "Be my guest, Ms. Saltzman." I said gesturing her forward.

"Not a chance, Superboy." She said crossing her arms squinting her eyes. I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. We'll go together." I said with a groan. We looked down the street both times before entering the street. A tire screech pierced my right ear. I turned my head before snapping my fingers. The car kept speeding towards us. "Well...shit." I announced as the car slammed into the both of us.

I sat up on the grassy field of the town square. I looked over at Lizzie. "Yeah...this is gonna get old real quick." I growled. "So...let me ask you a question since we're trapped here. Are we ever gonna talk about how you came back from Malivore and decided not to tell any of us?" Lizzie stated. I sighed. "Sorry. I'm a little busy keeping us from being roadkill." I countered as we stood next to the road.

"Projectium Deflecta. That should protect us." I said with a shrug looking at Lizzie. The two of us walked into the street before the same car sped towards us. "Son of a bloody bitch!" I cursed as the car smashed into us.

I sat up on the grass beside Lizzie. "I don't think we have magic here." I pointed out. "Or you just did the spell wrong." Lizzie countered putting her hands on my left arm and back. "How's that siphoning going?" I asked sarcastically before Lizzie stopped. "Okay, fine. There's obviously no magic. And we're in some sort of death maze from hell. And...Why is is the '80s?" Lizzie explained before I looked around. I raised a brow.

"Speaking of...Have you ever played Frogger?" I asked looking at Lizzie. The expression written on her face told me all I needed to know. "Bloody--Okay. Alright. That's okay. Just follow what I do. Actually, take my hand." I said.

"What? Ew. No, gross." Lizzie said repulsed. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, get over yourself. Do you wanna get out of here or not, Liz?" I asked. She sighed taking my hand. "That's nickname I haven't heard in a while." She said as we reached the street. "What?" I asked confused. "Liz. You haven't called me that in years." She said quietly. "Sorry. I won't do it aga--" I started.

"NO!" She interrupted with a shout. I jumped looking at her with wide eyes. She went wide-eyed looking at me before flashing a nervous smile. "I mean, you can call me whatever you want...That! I mean that. You can call me that whenever you want!" She said blushing. "Okay" I said with a nod of my head. I checked both sides of the street before putting my right foot on the street.

Almost immediately, the DeLorean drifted around the corner and sped at us. I stepped off as it drove past splashing the two of us with stagnant water on the side of the road. The two of us shared a look with one another before heading across the street to a clothing store.

I exited the dressing room wearing a plain white shirt, faded blue jeans, a similarly styled denim jacket, white CONVERSE high tops, and red flannel shirt tied around my waist. I looked over at Lizzie who exited a dressing room as well. "Acid wash is clearly your thing." I told her. "Right? You look like you came straight out of The Outsiders with Ponyboy and Johnny." She said smiling.

"It kind of suits you." She added. "You think?" I asked looking at myself. "Yeah. You always had that Greaser-vibe going on. You know, unless you were being controlled by your demon fox and then you looked like that evil version of that famous YouTuber." She explained. "YouTuber? Wait. You mean Markiplier's ego; Darkiplier? That's what you see when the Nogitsune's in control of me?" I asked.

"That's exactly what I see. Don't judge me. I think Mark's hot." She countered. "Can't argue with that." I said with a shrug. "You think he's hot?" She asked. "Of course, I do. I'm bi." I said before leaving the store. "YOU'RE WHAT?!" Lizzie exclaimed.

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