Chapter 9 - The phone number

Start from the beginning

I want to reach out and catch her wrist. I want to hold on to her until she agrees to see me again. But just as I open my mouth, her cheeks blush and she pulls back.

"I'll have the same as him," I say instead of the million things I want to tell her.

She nods. "I'll be right back."

I watch her walk away, feeling happier than I have since Monday.

"Dude, what the fuck was that?" Liam smacks the back of my head. "Weren't you supposed to be obsessed with this Lily girl?"

I grin happily at him. "That's her. That's Lily."

His eyes go wide and he looks after her. "That's her? No wonder you've been trying to find her."

I squint at him. "Back off. She's mine."

He shakes his head with a smile. "Whatever you say." He leans back and studies me. "I don't think I've ever seen you like this before."

"Maybe I'm in love."

He laughs as if it's the funniest joke ever. I leave it at that. He may assume I'm joking, and as I said it, I kind of was. But I want her.

"So, you've finally managed to find a woman that won't throw herself at your feet. Good for you."

She laughs at something the bartender says. "God, she's beautiful."

"She is," Liam says, and I instantly want to punch him in the face. He must see my anger, because he holds his hands up. "Relax, you know I'd never."

"Here we go," Lily says and Liam lowers his hands. "Two beers." She places the drinks in front of us. "I'll be right back with your burgers."

"What do I have to do to get your number?" I ask, ready to crawl on the questionable floor for her.

She blushes a bit as she rolls her eyes. "I'm sure you can get any number you want."

"Yours. I want your number."

Liam sips his beer, his eyes filled with amusement.

"Why?" She looks genuinely confused.

"Because I want to get to know you. I think we could have a lot of fun together."

She bites her lip. Shit. Was that the wrong thing to say?

"Please?" I put my hands together in a begging sign and blink up at her.

She sighs, then she walks away.

Liam can't contain his laughter. "What is up with you, man? I've never seen you like this before."

I shake my head. "Why do you think she doesn't want to give me her number?"

"Damned if I know. Maybe she doesn't like you?"

I slowly shake my head as I watch her take another table's order. "That's not it. I think she likes me."

"You're so full of yourself."

A few moments later, she heads back to the kitchen and comes out with our burgers. She effortlessly carries them through the room, dodging chairs and customers as if she was born for it.

"Two bacon burgers." She places them in front of us.

"Thank you," Liam says and digs in.

"Yes, thank you. And I'm sorry if I've been bothering you." If she really doesn't like me, maybe she's just being polite and I'm misinterpreting her actions?

She doesn't answer, just disappears.

I eat my burger in silence, while Liam keeps talking about the practice and how the team is shaping up this year. My mind wanders back to Lily, and every time I see her glancing in our direction, my heart jumps. And then she looks away and I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Liam asks for the check, and I'm so close to leaving her alone. I'd hate to think I've been stalking someone that had no interest in me. That's the kind of shit that's only acceptable in the dark romance books Brick's girlfriend Kat likes to read. Morgan showed me one, and some of the ones I looked up had some really fucked up shit in them.

"Here you are," Lily says and hands Liam the check. I'm not even sure I should be looking at her at this point, so I'm staring at the table when she slides a folded piece of paper in front of me. I blink. She was supposed to hand Liam the bill.

I sit up straight. It's not the bill. She's already walking away. I take the paper and swear my fingers shake just a bit. An enormous smile spreads across my face as I see her name and number.

Liam pulls out some bills and leaves them for her. I look around to find her, but she's nowhere to be seen. Almost as if she's worried about how I'll react.

"Come on, lover boy. We need to get back to the house for the roommate meeting." He puts his hands on my back and starts pushing me to the door while I strain my neck in hopes of catching a last glimpse of Lily.

"She gave me her number," I say when we're outside. I hold the note in front of me and grab my phone.

"What are you doing?" Liam wrinkles his forehead.

"I'm taking a picture, in case it gets ruined, or I lose it." I snap another photo.

"Dumbass, just put her number in your phone."

"Yeah, and what happens if I lose my phone?" I flick his forehead as I pass him and head for the car.

"You want to stop by the tattoo parlor? You could get it inked on your arm and hope she never changes her number."

He smirks at me.

"Just get in or you're walking."

"You want me to shave it on your skull?"

I roll my eyes and get in the car. She gave me her number.

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