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we stay outside in the parking lot behind the building for a little bit. i can't believe that only fifteen minutes passed since i got off of the stage. my crowd is waiting for me inside, because i promised them that i will stay after the concert and take pictures with them. so i tell jake that we should go inside. kyle is sitting in the changing room playing on his phone.

"everything okay?" he asks with his iconic smile.

"yeah" i smile. "we're doing a little meeting with fans. wanna come?" i ask.

"i don't think anybody will know me" he says and looks away. he has always been insecure.

"bullshit. come on" i say and hold his hand to pull him up from the armchair. jake is laughing next to me.

the three of us goes on stage and fans walk up to us to say a few words, take pictures or ask for autographs. most people actually know kyle, just as i thought. some of them seem more excited about kyle than us even. he seems happy about it and i'm happy too. he really needs more good things in his life, i'm worried about him. he is such a nice person, he always were. he deserves the best in life.

eventually only a few people left out of the crowd. a girl walks to us.

"hi boys" she says with a big smile. "i'm jenny"

"hi jenny" all three of us says at the same time, which makes her smile ever wider. she asks if she can hug us and we say yes, of course. when she hugs me she starts whispering in my ear.

"i saw you and jake in the parking lot. i wont say a single word about you to anyone, i just wanted to tell you that you guys are cute as hell" her voice is excited, yet respectful and for some reason i believe her, eventhought i just met her.

"thank you" i say and she walks to kyle to give him a big hug. we take some pictures together and walks away after giving us a little wave.

ten minutes later we all sit in the changing room and try to discuss what to do tonight. we agree on going to a bar. kyle said he knows a really good place around here, well he is the one living here, so we are following him. and the place is a gay bar.

"kyle i can't go in there... what if someone knows me and post a picture of me somewhere?" i say and i start to panic.

"you didn't came out?" he asks. "it's been so many years, i thought you came out already."

"did you came out?" i ask with a sassy voice and i regret it immediately. i'm an asshole.

"just let's go in" jake says next to me and puts his hands on my back to push me a little. he leans down to whisper in my ear "if someone sees us, it's okay. i don't mind it" he says with a loving voice. but he doesn't know that one girl already saw us today... i just don't want the whole internet talking about me being gay.

"okay, whatever" i say and i walk inside. i just need to get a little drunk and i will be fine. jake asks for two jack and cokes and we drink them in five seconds. he seems chill, but he needed this drink too. i can't see kyle anywhere and i'm afraid that i upset him. "i'm gonna go find kyle. is that okay?"

"yeah, sure. call me if you can't find me after you find him." he says and i nod. i start to look around, i even go outside, eventhough kyle is not a smoker. lastly i go into the bathroom and i feel kinda dumb that i didn't think of the bathroom earlier.


i promised a new chapter today and i'm not a liar soooo enjoy

i literally wrote myself into this chapter, i'm jenny, hi 💀

also i really hope kyle is doing okay :/ did you guys see his tiktok reposts? :<


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