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fifteen minutes later i hear the front door open and close then footsteps approach to my door. jake knocks softly.

"come in" i yell. i mean try to yell but my throat is sore from crying for hours. he opens the door and see me lying in my bed, looking at the ceiling wrapped into a blanket, while tears run down my face.

"hey johnnie, it's okay" he says and pulls me into a hug. he strokes my back while he rocks me a little, like if i was a baby. i can't stop myself crying even more. "everything is going to be okay, honey" he says and for a second i believe him.

"i'm not okay jakey" i say while crying even harder. he just rocks me and whispers me the cutest little things until a fall asleep.

when i wake up i'm still in jake's arms, but he is asleep right now as well. i hide my face in his chest which wakes him up.

"morning" he says in a deep tone.

"morning" i mumble and starts to move a little further so the situation doesn't get awkward.

"you don't have to move, if it's comfortable" he says and wrappes his arms around me. "i am worried about you, johnnie".

"i'm gonna be okay. just these couple of days messed up my mind" i say but i'm not sure if i am telling the truth. "thank you for caring".

"of course, johnnie. you are the most important person to me." he says and i start to blush. "if you don't want to go to the party tomorrow we can stay home."

"no, it's okay. it'll be good to go out. this room makes me crazy" i say and he nods, then gives me a tight hug and gets out of my bed.

"put on some clothes. we are going out" he says and leaves the room. i get up, put on a my chemical romance shirt and a skinny jeans (which is kinda hard because of the cuts on my thighs).

"i'm ready" a tell jake. "where we goin'?"

"we are going out to eat" he says and walks to the car. he opens the door for me, then walks to the other side and sits in the car too. "where do you want to go?" he asks after starting the car.

"nowhere, honesly" i say. "i mean i want to eat with you, i just don't want to go inside any place right now."

"what if we go to a drive-thru and eat the food in the car or a park or something" he suggests and i agree. "is taco bell okay?"

"yeah, taco bell works."

we stay quiet for the rest of the car ride, after we arrive to taco bell jake orders our food and pays for it. "where do you want to eat?" he asks.

"a park would be good. i want to be on the fresh air a bit" i answer and he nods.

as we arrive to the park i start looking for a bench while jake walks behind me with our food and drinks. eventually i find one and we sit down to eat.

"now tell me johnnie, what's going on with you?" he asks and puts his food down. i was afraid of this conversation.

"i don't know jake" i tell him and i mean it. i don't know what the fuck is happening. "my depression is back and i can't handle it".

"it's back again, huh?" he sighs. he was with me last time when i had a depressive episode. "we're gonna get through this again. we're gonna get help for you."

"i don't want help jake, i want you" i say.

"i'm right here johnnie. i always will be" he says and holds my hand. "i love you buddy"

"i love you, jake" i say and i feel the tears forming in my eyes.



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