The Rumble for Ragnarok (A Sea/Huey/Dewey/Story)

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Today is June 1 in DuckTales, literally, and what better adventure seems more fitting than going to fight a monster that emerges once every ten years to try and destroy the world? Literally any other adventure in my opinion. I was so devastated that I missed Astro Boyd! And that WADE and DELLA got to go with them to Tokyolk! All I got was an apology message from Huey about not inviting me, because things moved so fast that day, and a selfie he sent me of the Wade, Boyd and him in Tokyolk.

THAT WAS LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO!!! I love being in the DTU but I hate that I miss a lot too. But at least everything sounded like it was in order, according to what Huey told me. Wade hasn't said anything about the trip to me. SuSpIcIoUs... - not really, it was HIS trip with Huey and Boyd so I should just be glad that the episode didn't go out of order or anything.


The adventure started after another sleepover with Webby, so I don't think the rest of the family knows where we've gone to since we left so early. Launchpad took Della's plane and flew us way out in the middle of nowhere, would've been awesome if Shayla had come, but then again maybe it was good that she didn't know that a monster threatened to destroy Earth. At least the monster had a good intention for HIS people, unlike SOME person I know is hovering around encircling the Earth for all entirety. *cough Lunaris *cough. After a while of just hanging out and sitting in the middle of the plane, Uncle Scrooge called us all to the very back of the plane to explain the reason of the adventure.

"Every ten years, Jörmungandr, the great snake that encircles the Earth, releases his tail, and threatens to destroy the planet." Uncle Scrooge pulled down a scroll on the back wall and showed us what Jörmungandr looked like around the Earth. Huey blinked concerned and raised his hand as though we were in school. "Um, I have numerous, science based questions-" Using his cane to lower Huey's raised hand, he continued to explain. "Unless the chosen "Champion of the Earth" can defeat him and his barbarian minions in combat. I am that champion!" He said pointing to himself proudly, we all stared interested. "Oooh!" "And one day I'll have to pass the torch to the next "Champion of the Earth". Which of you will it be?" He smiled as he looked over the boys and Webby. "Webby? Huey? Louie?" He overlooked Dewey, "Sealia?"

I shot up and looked at Uncle Scrooge super confused. "WHAT! HUH?!" The boys and Webby looked at me with smiles, I chuckled nervously and looked back at Uncle Scrooge. "Oh no no! I'm not- we're not... I'm not a- I'm not cut out for that Uncle Scrooge!" Still they smiled at me, as did Uncle Scrooge. My face flushed red, I looked down embarrassed by this awkward moment, I stroked my low ponytail on my right side. "I'm not part of the family, I'm just a friend." I said a little quietly, Webby jumped up from her seat. "I'm not blood-related either, but we're all like a family!" Webby said sweetly looking over to me. "Anyone who sticks close to the McDucks are family, lass." Uncle Scrooge said just as lovingly to me. "That includes you." He added and tapped my chest with his cane, I smiled as to thank him for showing so much kindness to me.

"Webby, Huey, Louie, Sealia..." He looked back to Webby. "Webby..." Dewey climbed in between Webby and Louie and pushed them a part to be noticed. "You're saving my name for last, right? For... dramatic effect?" Uncle Scrooge blinked, not wanting to say why he didn't say Dewey's name. "Yes. That." He said to cover up what he really thought. "But the truth is, NONE of you are ready to fight just yet. I'm only bringing you along to prepare you for the future." "So why are you trusting us with that, and not Uncle Donald and Mom?" "Yeah, they should have come too." Louie agreed, Uncle Scrooge looked determined at us. "Because you are the new generation!" He straightened up. "Also, I don't trust Donald and Della to cooperate on a jigsaw puzzle, much less the fate of the universe." I gapped feeling that that was offensive, then I shrugged realizing that was probably more accurate than anything.

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