The Phantom and the Sorceress (A Sea/Lena Story)

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WARNING: this story does get a little crazy in the end, expect what happens to extend to the next story...NO SKIPPING AHEAD PLEASE


Okay, this was probably the most crazy adventure/experience I've ever experienced in my life here in the DuckTales Universe (DTU)! So as soon as I got the invite last week from Webby for a sleepover at the mansion, I knew this was going to be the Phantom and the Sorceress episode, but I DID NOT expect what happened in the episode to include me and tell me why I have powers(?). Again I had no idea how I ended up with magic, but I'll explain the whole situation and experience here...

(Will be continued in my Journal and obviously here in this story)


About a week after the Ragnarok adventure Webby asked me over for a sleepover. In the time that I have had a break from episodes I've gotten into writing a lot more in my journal, actually, I've been writing for a while now and I think it's been helping me not stress over risking in episodes. Like how when you do something you love it helps take the stress away, that's what journaling has been doing for me. Not to mention my photo wall is filled with pictures now, I may have to expand to the rest of the wall!

The rest of my week has consisted of going to see Wade perform for a piano recital at his parents hotel and us hanging out with Launchpad and Shayla at the Duckburg Pier.During Wade's recital, I honestly was a little scared to see his parents and talk to them, so I kept my distance and stayed in a place where Wade could see I was there, but close enough to the doors to leave after I saw him afterwards. From afar, Wade resembles his dad so much with style and hair, but is so much more smiley and free-floating seeming like his mom. His personality and humor must come from her and he must get his seriousness from his dad. I don't really have a good reason to not meet his parents for real, I just feel like it would be weird since we're both 14... and him, uh, liking me a little... so, yeah...


Webby had me over for the sleepover which included Lena and Violet and the boys. Except for Wade, I think Webby said that he wasn't able to come because he had an eye doctor appointment today. He had been wearing his glasses for about 2 months and he's told me that sometimes he can see without them, but then just at random his vision gets blurry and he has to wear the glasses. I think he's been that way since the day he went to Funzo's with Launchpad and Dewey, I wonder if those AR glasses they wore had something to do with it.

But back to the sleepover...

So we all met up at the mansion and we stared with a game Louie wanted us to play, UNO which I am really good at. I actually won the first game, but we had to stop when Lena's started to take her turn; her amulet would zap like lighting at us whenever she got "draw 1/4" cards. So then Dewey decided we should play something that didn't include electronics and we played musical chairs, which was fun! I got to play Dewey's key tar like a piano sitting on my lap.

Lena got a little irritated because she wasn't fast enough and she ended up freezing Louie in place several times with her amulet accidentally. Per Webby's request, we played a game of "Who Knows Scrooge the Best", the game wasn't so fun to Webby when we all started giving one-word answers instead of a paragraph answer for each question. Lena's amulet didn't do anything during this game, but still I think we all were getting a little bored of it at this point. I was going to suggest darts right after, but then I remembered that Huey, Dewey, Louie and I didn't have the best experiences playing darts with Webby, so I didn't offer an idea. That's when Huey had an idea.

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