But you didn't lose anything

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I wash my face under the sink in the kitchen. Those rashes seriously burn...

My coworker is leaning on me, to hold himself up somehow. He won't leave me alone under any circumstance. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask.

"I'll go with you..."

"The hell, you won't." I pluck his hand, and push him off of me, gently. "First of all, you shouldn't be standing up all the time. Second of all, I promise I won't run away anymore."

I want to vomit. I'm still feeling disgusted, after the encounter I've had at the bar. That man could've seriously hurt me, but my employer saved me, somehow. Where did he even come from?

I really don't see the purpose in sharing this with my coworker. It'd just worry him more. He didn't ask me what happened, either.

He looks so pathetic, I can't help feeling sorry. "How are you feeling?"

"Bad..." he tries to hug me again, but I instinctively block him. I didn't mean to...

"What's wrong?" He worries.

"It's... I'm just tired, okay? I'll... freshen up, and lie in bed. It's late."

He almost follows me into the bathroom, but I lock the door before he does. "Give me a moment!"

I do my thing. And by my thing, I mean sitting on my knees and hovering over the toilet, while groaning and breathing heavily. For a moment, I consider sliding a finger down my throat, to trigger my gag reflex, but I don't do it. It seems too scary.

I don't even know why I want to vomit, let alone why I think that vomiting will make me feel better.

I stand up, and flush the toilet, for no reason. It's just a waste of water.

I get to the bathroom, and find my coworker, lying under the covers with his arms in the air. "Hug me~" he begs.

I tumble down next to him, and roll into him, waiting to be scooped up. "Sorry if I made you angry. I ran out very spontaneously."

"It's fine," he forgives. "But, where were you, anyway?"

I sigh. "I didn't know where to go, and some guy spoke to me and offered me a drink. I was really confused and angry at myself, so I just went along..."

"What?!" He tenses up and squeezes me in anger.

"Y-Yeah, it went badly..." I tell him. "He turned out to be some pervert. Then our employer came to my rescue..."

He coughs, and with a mildly assertive voice asks: "What did that guy do to you?"

"The stranger, or..."


"Oh, uh... that's..."

I'm not telling him. "They did nothing bad."

I want to die. This sucks. So much. "Our employer..."

My coworker sits up, forcing me to adjust my position. "What? Did he hurt–"

"No, he... how do I put this without it sounding weird... he... saved my virginity, I guess?" I titter in confusion. "Aside from that... are you hungry? I could cook something for you, maybe."

"No, don't change the topic now. What the hell do you mean he 'saved' your virginity?!" He unexpectedly grabs me by the collar, and yells into my face. "What happened to you?!"

"H-Hey, calm down," I push him away. He's weak from the fever, so it's quite easy. "Look, I... don't want to talk about it today."

There are tears forming in his eyes, but I try to ignore them. "I'll make you something warm to eat, and we'll make sure you heal before work. Okay?"

"Okay..." he sniffs. "Then... can I kiss you, once I get better?"

I stare at him in disbelief. My face burns more than the rashes did earlier. "Y-You can do it now, as far as I'm concerned..."

"No, I want to be your first... and that requires some more effort... You might get sick from the exchange..."

I yelp. Exchange, as in... saliva? That's...

That's great.

I smile. "Okay."

We both smile.

"Will you please tell me what happened tomorrow?" He asks, while holding my hands.

"Look, it's... I don't want to worry you, is all."

"You've already worried me enough," he mocks.

I sigh. "So, that guy tried to, uhm... assault..." I suddenly feel sick again, "me..."

I slam my hand on my mouth, and wrap my arm around my stomach, running to the bathroom immediately. "Sorry, I'll be back..."

No. No. No. I can't just vomit in another person's toilet. But, I definitely can't vomit on another person's floor, either...

I get to the bathroom, and don't even bother to shut the door, let alone lock it. Oh, I'm so embarrassed...

I kneel down in front of the toilet and wait for hell.

"Are you okay?"

My coworker comes in, exactly in the moment that I start violently throwing up. I put my arms on the toilet seat, and push my face inside, to hide the disgusting substance. "No..."

He sits on his knees next to me, and envelops me with his arms, rubbing my stomach lightly. I want to die, seriously. "No... go away..."

"No," he answers. "Did he poison you? Should we go to the hospital?"

"No–" I get interrupted by my organs spewing out of my mouth, along with stomach acid and my soul. "Thinking about it makes me sick..."

He tucks my hair out of the way, and takes my glasses out of my grip. "He didn't do anything to you, so there's nothing to worry about. I promise that from now on, I will never let you go out alone at night. Spare your stomach..."

I breathe heavily. "He didn't, but he could've." I swallow some of the waste, in an attempt to stop puking. I wave my hand in front of his face, with my index finger and thumb almost touching. "I was this far from losing everything..."

"But you didn't lose anything."

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