I don't think I understand...

465 19 93

"Wake up." I start to unhurriedly pull on my coworker's arm, trying to get him off the bed. It's time for him to get ready for work, because I'm already dressed.

"No..." he moans, "five more minutes..."

I cross my arms and sigh. "It's almost eight. Get up."

He groans, and wraps the covers around himself, into a fabric cocoon. "What are you so cranky for~?"

I suppose I sound annoyed, because I couldn't sleep well. "Look, if you're sick, I can go to work by foot. Are you staying at home?"

He vaguely shakes his head, or rather, the whole cocoon along with the bed, and jumps up. His face is paler than usual, and really sweaty too. "No! You're... I'll be up in a minute–" he collapses once again.

"No, you won't."

I sit down next to him on the mattress, and place my hand on his forehead, triggering a smile on his awful-looking face. He has a light fever. "Are you nauseous?"

"Yeah..." he grabs and holds my hand on his forehead. "I think I'll get a day off. I could drive you to work, though..."

"No, don't do that."

I leave for a minute or two, to get him a glass of water. Once I come back and place the cup on the nightstand, he reaches out to me, but only manages to get a hold of my jacket, and starts fidgeting with it. "I missed you..."

I've been here the entire night. He's talking nonsense, for sure. "Have some water and go back to sleep. I'll be back before you know it."

"Can I contact you on the phone during work?"

"Yes, but don't call me."

He sits up cross-legged, and directs the glass close to his mouth. He tries to take a sip, but his shaky hands manage to spill some of the content. He facepalms. "Sorry for getting sick first thing since you moved in. You won't mind taking care of me, will you~?"

His clumsiness makes me smile a little. "I won't."

I lean in and smooch his forehead, then ruffle his hair. "I have to leave now, if I want to be at the office by nine."

Before I leave and close the bedroom door behind me, I remind him: "go back to sleep soon."

 I didn't have the opportunity to go to work by foot from a different home, but here I am, evaluating my every move and choice of road, likely heading in the wrongest direction possible. The distance isn't much larger, but it definitely takes longer to get there, mainly because there are more traffic lights and construction sites than there is pavement.

...Besides, losing a bit of weight by walking won't do me bad.

After almost an hour, I get to the office, on time, but barely. Well, there is no designated arrival time, but I always get to work before nine, so I wouldn't want to ruin that streak.

After I've clocked in, I figure I should check up on my sick coworker. I flip my phone open, and the second I start typing, he sends me a message. Apparently he thought about me as well.

"Hey fid you arive yet"

"Yeah. You're not sleeping yet?"


For a short second, I think about suggesting my pills, but he'd just get angry that I brought them with me to his place. I think of something else. "Remember not to smoke, drink or go outside too much today. Stay warm also."

"once you cone back, will you warm me up?"

I try not to look suspicious or perverted in public, as I fluster at his dumb, stupid, bold and annoying message. "Yeah, sure."

I slam my phone shut and rush to my cubicle, with no good mornings or good days directed to my passerby colleagues along the way.

I work myself off till the first break, and for whatever reason, I just continue. I guess I have no reason to go to the breakroom, since my coworker is sick. Besides, I can't contact him, because he's likely sleeping now, so... what am I supposed to do? Work!

"Why won't you rest your mind?"

The sudden voice above my head provides me with three strokes and two heart attacks. I literally almost fall off my chair, making a squealing noise in the process. I manage to get a glimpse of the person producing the sound, and suddenly, all of the pressure becomes worse, considering it's just my employer. "Hello, sir."

"Are you feeling productive today?" I swear his eyeballs must have some kind of invisible lasers planted in them, because I can feel his stare burning into my face.

I laugh, manically. "Not necessarily, sir."

"Are you just bored, then?" He asks.

"...You could say that, yes." I want him gone right this instant.

But, sadly, he stays here. "The worker you often hang out with hasn't clocked in yet. I thought maybe you'd know what's the issue."

I stop typing, and turn my chair around, focussing on him. He's talking about my sick coworker, after all. "He hasn't informed you that he's ill?" What a sluggard.

"Oh, he's ill? I'll note that. Thank you for telling me." He forces a wide smile. "Now that I'm already here, I might as well ask: are you two together?"

I shudder from the sudden change in atmosphere. "I don't think I understand..."

"You two moved in together, right?"

"Well, yes, but... why would you want to know that?"

"I can't hide that I'm curious. After all, not many people find their second halves in these grounds–"

I clear my throat, interrupting him. "Sir, we're not dating, if that's what you're asking."

"Ah." It sounds so elongated and fake, I can't surpress the discomfort. "What about your hickeys, and the way you look at each other?" He laughs, "pardon me for the boldness."

I cringe. "Please..."

He exits my cubicle and waves to me. "I'll get going! Say hi to your boyfriend from me."

Boyfriend? Seriously?

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