I thought that was already decided

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I'm hugging the bouquet, and burying my face in it, trying to hide from my coworker, who's sitting right next to me on the driver's-side seat. I just feel so embarrassed...

He slows the car down, and rubs my forward-arched back with his hand.

I trace the rim of the flower wrap in unease. I still can't bring out a single word.

"I know we've only been working together for a few weeks, but..."

I lift my head a little, so I can listen to him as he talks. He's focussed on the road.

"Will you... move in with me?"

I yelp. "W-What?"

"Youdon'thavetosayyes," he exclaims shakily, "but I feel like that'd be a profitable idea..."

When I try to talk, only squeaky, high-pitched noises come out. I can't speak.

I cough. "Why?"

"For the sake of work, money and company." He pats my shoulder. "You don't have to answer now. Just, please, think about it, at least."

I have to admit, living with him would be so much easier, and much cheaper. But, in that case, he'd definitely find out about some private things.

I'd miss my apartment.

"I'll think about it."

His eyes sparkle. "I-I'm looking forward to your reply!"

What an airhead.

We get to his apartment, and I put my bouquet on the counter. "Could you give me a vase for the roses?"

He opens the door to a storage room, and embarrassingly points to a measuring cup. "Will this be good enough temporarily?"

"Pffft, yeah." I try to surpress my laughter. "Pour some water in it."

I sit by the table and unwrap the roses.

A moment later, my coworker places a full measuring cup in front of me.

I stare at him in disbelief, before bursting out in laughter. "I think I know why you suck at gardening!"

I take the measuring cup and pour almost all the water down the drain. "This much water will submerge the flowers completely and drown them."

I carefully drop each rose one-by-one in the measuring cup, and finally adjust them a bit so they're all clearly visible.

My coworker weeps in failure. "I'm glad at least you know what you're doing..."

"It's really not so hard."

"Your intelligence baffles me every time..."

"Wha– Really? T-Thanks... I guess."

I admire the pure, white roses, sitting in the transparent measuring cup. What a silly contrast. "I might as well leave these here, if I'm going to move in..." I mutter.

My coworker dumbfoundedly stands still. "Yeah... Have you decided already?"

"Hm? Well, it depends."


"On... the rules here. For example... where do I sleep, and who does the chores, and stuff..."

"You sleep with me in bed. I thought that was already decided," he states. "We can do chores together. Oh! Also..."

He drags me to the closet across from the bed, that he previously lent me clothes from. "There's plenty of space for your stuff here. Is there a reason for you to stay in your current apartment?"

I shrug. "There are some things..."

"Then... I'll wait for you to make up your mind." He's still smiling as brightly as ever. It makes me so happy. "What things, if I may ask?"

I scratch the back of my head, feeling a little embarrassed. "It's a... private matter. Sit down."

I sit cross-legged in front of him on the bed. "Look..."

He sits in silence and waits for me to talk.

"I... you see, I'm in debt."

"Oh... Is it bad?"

"I've paid off half of it already, but it took me several years. That's why if I move in with you, I'll have to spend the majority of my salary on it."

He crosses his arms. "No problem! Two salaries will pay it off faster."

"What?" My eyes widen. "No, you can't do that..."

"But I want to. If we share a home, we'll also share problems. Your debt will be also my debt."

I cover my face up and groan. "You don't even know why I'm in debt, and you're already willing to waste money on me. What kind of money management is that?"

He pulls me into a hug by the armpits, and pats my back. "I trust you, and I want to help you. Financial help is the least I can do."

I pout and hug him back. "Okay... then. I'll move in, but... give me some time."

He grabs my face. "Really?! My, I'm so happy! Thank you~" He pulls me in his lap and plants kisses and bites all over my jaw and neck. "I'll have to drive you home soon, though, because I have to do some cleaning."

"Yeah, me too." My face reddens. "And... when is that?"

He nuzzles my neck. "Not yet~"

He bursts into laughter and shakes me around, before pinning me to the bed. He eats my neck, leaving bites all over. His hands wiggle under my shirt, and find themselves fondling my chest. It tickles, and I have to giggle.

He chuckles as well, and wipes his lips dry, before linking them with mine. He closes his eyes, but I don't feel like it.

His lips are so soft, for a moment I consider opening my mouth, and inviting his tongue inside. I figure, that I shouldn't do it without informing him first.

He pulls away, and licks a long line on my throat. "I love your taste..."

"Don't be silly," I say, to brush the embarrassment off.

He takes his hands out of my shirt and lifts me up, carrying me to the living room, still laughing. "Shall we leave?"

I nod shyly. "I'll leave the roses here. Remember to replace the water from time to time."

He leads me to his car, and drives me home. I give him a smooch on the cheek as a goodbye, and leave, looking forward to next monday for once. Who thought I'd ever think in a positive way about going to work, huh.

It's time to pack my stuff.

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