Not even for a million pounds

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"Okay, okay, calm down."

My coworker steadies my hand, as I try to hold the fencing foil correctly. I'm so stiff and awkward about this...

"Are you sure we don't need protection?"

"No, it'll be fine. We won't fight. I can secure the sword, if you'd like to, though."

"Y-Yes, please," I beg.

He takes the foil out of my hand and puts a tiny protector on the tip of it. "This should be enough."

I calm down, grab the sword and try positioning it well. He teaches me where to put my fingers around the handle.

My coworker observes my struggles. "You have to bend your knees a bit."

I do as he says, peering into his eyes. "I seriously have no idea what I'm doing..."

"You're doing fine. Now, step forward with the leg on the foil's side, to pose sideways."

My legs are hurting. "Is this okay?"

"Yep! So, this is the neutral stance, En Garde. Give me the foil, so I can show how to lunge." My coworker seems to be a professional at this.

"How long have you been doing this?" I ask, as I hand him the sword.

"For... a year, or so." He takes the same stance as I did earlier, and suddenly charges forward. It startles the soul out of me. "Can you do something like this?"

"Ehh... can you demonstrate once more, please?"

He charges forward again, but slowly, this time. I get to analyse the motion precisely. He kicks the front of his dominant foot forward, and the lower he sinks, the more he extends his main arm upwards.

He makes it looks so easy. "Try it!" He gives me the foil.

I believe in myself at first, but get lost almost immediately. I look from the sword to my leg repeatedly, and unexpectedly feel my coworker's arm around my waist. "Let me help."

He squats down with me a few times, to get my legs used to it. "I'm not very flexible..."

"It'll be fine. Now, your leg..." My coworker holds me, and leads me down a few times, going faster with each lunge.

He grabs my hand. "Foil goes upwards," he whispers. His chest brushes against mine, whenever we plunge forward. "Try by yourself, now."

He sits back and watches me.

I repeat whatever we did just a moment ago. "Like this..?"

"Yes! Perfect!" He hugs me tightly, almost crushing my ribs, and shakes me around. "You're great!"

I try to wiggle away. "Y-Yeah, sure, thanks, I guess."

"Should we wrap up, or continue?" He asks.

"We should wrap up." I shake my head. "D-Don't get me wrong, it was really fun. but... I'm not feeling well."

I'm feeling fine, actually. I'm just not comfortable with him touching me like that. It makes me feel things...

"Then... what do you usually do in weekends?"

"I... sleep... and... clean a bit..."

"You could sleep... with..." he facepalms, "That's boring. Let's..."

He rushes to his gramophone, and winds it up. "Let's dance!" He opens his arms wide, as though he's performing on a stage.

I burst into laughter. "Are you kidding me–" he pulls me close by the arm, and spins me around on one foot, before embracing me, and lifting my right hand. "I... really enjoy spending time with you," he breathes in my ear, as he gently leads the waltz, like we're Venus, orbiting the sun.

I want to panic, but the hypnotic jazz in the background, as well as his smile, calm me down.

His hand, although it's barely on my body, is drilling into my waist.

"Do you really want to leave? If you stay, I will continue making you breakfast in bed." He winks, and pulls me closer with his arm behind my back.

He adjusts how he's holding my right hand, and intertwines our fingers. We're still rotating slightly, but he keeps slowing down, and leaning in to me. I'm so focussed on not messing up our steps, that I only realise it when I look up. It startles me a little.

He redirects his face to the side, and brushes his cheek against mine, before gently biting my neck. I twitch.

"I really... really... want to kiss you, right now." He nibbles on my ear, and I start to feel self-conscious. "On the lips, I mean."

I smirk. "Heh, why would you want to do that..." He must be kidding.

"Because..." he stops. "Nevermind."

He spins me around once more, and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around him, craving the warmth.

Why did I say that?

If I didn't, he would've kissed me. I've wasted the perfect opportunity, didn't I?

I grab his face. "But... y-you can, though..." I mutter, shyly.

He leans in to me. "Really?" He whispers, before turning away. "N-No, I can't..."

"Why not?"

He releases me, and scratches the back of his head. "I... can't kiss someone who hasn't kissed at all before."

I sigh in depression. "You wanted to do it just a while ago..."

"I-I know, but..." He suddenly lifts me up, and seats me on the table, so we're about the same height. I don't know what to expect at this point.

"Ah... don't hate me for this..." he cups my face, and tenderly brushes his lips against mine. He doesn't even open his mouth. In a way, I'm relieved, but on the other hand, I was looking forward to more.

He immediately avoids any further contact and nuzzles my chest.

He takes my consent so seriously... It makes my heart flutter. He would never try to hurt me, not even for a million pounds.

The longer I sit on the table with his head and hands on me, the more I fall in love with this moron. I hadn't even realised how lovingly he treats me, till this very moment.

Should I tell it to him?

My coworker pulls away, and helps me get off the table. "I have to go to the bathroom." He leaves.

No, not yet.

Still, in what scenario does a man want to kiss another man, or be kissed by another man, like the first time he gave me a ride? I hadn't really thought about it yet.

Maybe he meant it as a friendly gesture..?

But, him randomly grabbing my hand and waltzing with me couldn't possibly be a friendly gesture alone. Not in a thousand years.

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