I'm just not ridiculous enough

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I'm at the computer again, typing nonsense on my keyboard. I'm in a good mood today.

"What makes me happy?"

I've been trying to form an answer different from "You" since last night. Cats? Dogs? Rats?

Those are lame and childish answers. What am I supposed to say?

I feel a hand slam on my shoulder. "Hi pal! How're you doing?" It's my coworker.

"I'm good, what about you?" I didn't know it was already break time.

He brought me coffee. "Here~" He slowly puts it on my desk.

"Thanks." The aroma excites me.

He laughs, and turns my office chair and me around. "I can't wait for tonight."

That's right. It's Friday. "You can manage just a few more hours."

He giggles like a dumb little kid, and steals a chair from a the vacant cubicle next to mine, so he can sit down across from me.

"You know how hell is meant to be unique for each person?"

That's a weird thing to say out of context. "Hell..?"

"Yeah! Stereotypically, you get tortured for eternity in hell, right? But, wouldn't that be heaven for a masochist?"

"Eh... I don't think even a masochist would enjoy genuine torture–"

"Shh! Shh!" He gently covers my mouth with his hand and continues. "You get the point. Hell is just reliving what you hate the most eternally. Do you agree?"

He doesn't even take his hand off of my face. I nod before he starts talking again. "Then, wouldn't that mean heaven is also unique?"

He picks his chair up and sits closer to me. At this point I can feel his breath on my face. "I suppose..."

"If heaven is reliving what you love the most eternally... what would your heaven look like?" He asks.

"Why eternally? Wouldn't you just get sick of it eventually?" I add.

"Well... I wouldn't..." He stares at me with buttery eyes. "It depends on what you love the most."

Nervousness blocks my throat. I push his face away and cough in my elbow. "Sorry," I apologise along the way. "I guess you're right. Then, what is it that you love the most, that you wouldn't get sick of?"

"You first." He smiles.

"Oh, I wouldn't know." I say, without thinking first. "...Nature, I guess."

His smile drops. "Really? Nature?" He gags.

"Sorry for not being perfect, jeez." I scorn.

"Nah, you are." He stands up.


"What?" It takes him a few seconds to start panicking. "Ehhhh, break's over, ciao?" He speedwalks away, with a questioning grin.

The break isn't even over yet.


What did he say? That I'm perfect?

No, it must've been a misunderstanding.


Should I run after him?

I stand up and approach the hallway. I don't have anything better to do, anyway.

I check every nearby corner, because I don't want to walk too far away from my workplace. I can't find him. I check the break room last. Indifferent.

As I'm heading back to my cubicle, I coincidentally walk into him. He ignores me, but I grab him by the arm before he can get away. "Listen, you. Stop panicking. You're creeping me out."

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