You blow my mind sometimes

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The next day at work, my coworker doesn't visit me during any break. Instead, Weirdo is asking me to come over to his place today in the evening, on the pretext of getting me used to the surroundings so I'm more likely to come to his drinking party.

It's charming, in a way.

We see each other in the breakroom, and in the end, he convinces me to come over. His unyielding attitude makes it difficult to refuse.

"You know, it's really weird for you to suddenly listen to me and spend time with me. You've–"

"Thanks. I know! I'm feeling generous." My coworker assumes I mean it as a compliment. Pfft, whatever.

I leave, go back to my cubicle and continue working in a better mood. I'm tense, though. I don't want to come over all the way to his place, and in the end, dismiss the invitation to his party anyway.

I suddenly feel obligated to accept. I hate myself for giving in, but... maybe it won't be so bad...

After work, he's waiting for me outside.

I speedwalk towards him across the road, and step in the car.

"Welcome back!" He exclaims, as I fasten my seatbelt.

"Yeah, hi."

"I figured we could go somewhere to grab something to eat first–"

"No, thanks."

"Like a fancy restaurant, or something–"


"Jee, I know it's out of your budget. It's my treat." His voice lowers.

I stutter. "A-A-Are y-you– Are you s-sure?"

"Mhm," he nods, "I bet you starve yourself in that tiny four-wall apartment. I'll feed you something edible for once!"

My positively surprised expression turns into a representation of disgust. Yeah, he thinks I'm just some broke dude in destitution, barely making ends meet. ...His treat, I guess. "Sure."

We drive through the centrum, and my coworker parks his car at a paid parking lot, because there's no road through the center. We have to go by foot.

I start following him, to wherever he's planning to go.

"Do you like asian food, or prefer something fast?" He suddenly asks me.

"I don't mind either," I tell him. I'm not picky about food.

"Then let's go there," my coworker points to some luxurious restaurant, and grabs my arm to pull me in its direction. "We don't need a reservation here." He smiles stupidly.

We walk in and get a table for two. The waitress almost immediately comes to us, and I'm forced to order something from the menu fast. It's not a bad choice, though. I'm proud of my quick thinking.

"This is an expensive place. Is this really okay?"

"Maybe it is, and maybe not. Either way, there's no way to cancel now!"

I shift my eyes from left to right in discomfort. I feel like I owe him something now. "You're right..."

"Don't worry, I don't mind feeding a starving soul! I'm being really generous now, aren't I?"

"Yeah..." I laugh at his stupid face.

We chat a bit, until our food arrives. We pray and wish each other to enjoy the meals, before we dig in. It's really delicious, and I easily devour all of it. I haven't had a proper meal since I started working at that corporation.

I don't have time to cook anymore.

"You like it, huh," he states.


When I look down at the table, I keep glancing at his plate, which is still almost untouched. I cover my mouth with my hand. "You're not going to eat?"

I swallow. "...Hello?"

"...Hm?" He stares at me. "Watching you enjoy what I pay for gives me a sense of superiority. You can't blame me."

I groan. I lick my fork clean, and pierce it into the contents of his plate. "If you're not going to eat it, I will."

I eat up, not breaking eye contact. He seems unfazed.

"You sure have an appetite, don't you," he mentions, before he slides his plate in my direction. "I'm not hungry, so feel free to have more!"

I hesitantly take the plate, and quickly claim it as mine. My coworker stares at me as I finish the plate off, and pushes a napkin into my face when I'm done. "Alright, shall we request the check now?" He's wiping all over my face.

"Yeah– Sure," I manage to voice between the wipes.

We both lift our hand up, and the same waitress approaches us. My coworker asks for the bill, and she only ever looks his way and small-talks him, ignoring me completely. I feel uneasy.

He doesn't look her way at all, though. It's a beautiful lady, clearly trying to flirt with him. How can he not even try to peek?

We walk out of the restaurant, and I can't help but ask: "do you have a girlfriend?"

He stops walking. "Hm?" He leans in to me. "Wondering if you've got a chance with me?"

I gasp in embarrassment. "What? No, it's just that... that waitress was gorgeous, and you didn't even look at her once. I thought that was weird..."

He smirks. "It's difficult to impress me, you know."

"...So you're saying you have really high standards?"

"Hmm... not exactly. I just don't feel anything towards strangers." We walk back to his car. "You don't look like you're successful with the ladies... is there a catch?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm not successful with anyone, for that matter..."

He laughs, as we enter the sedan. "You're just shy. But, believe me, you'll become very popular if you hang out with me more."

"No, thanks. I don't want to be popular." He starts the car up, and we're finally on the way to his place. I feel well nourished by the two plates of food I recently ate.

"You blow my mind sometimes," he states.


We turn to some fancy street and I immediately feel alien. He mentions in which apartments his friends live, and points to some tall building in which, supposedly, he lives.

I follow him out of the car and in the elevator inside. It takes forever to get to his floor.

Once we enter, I'm immediately hit by hot, dry air. It irritates my eyes.

"I like it to be warm. I hope you don't mind." He laughs awkwardly. "You can do what you want. You can cook, watch the TV, or nap. I don't mind. Just find a way to warm up to this place." He winks.

"Then... can I get a tour?" I ask.

"Only if you kiss me properly this time."

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