Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Following the Team for Harvest

Yun Zhi, now endowed with the power of the wood element, could see in the dark. She observed the anxiety and nervousness on Mo Chen's face, hidden poorly by him.

Chuckling, she hid in Mo Chen's embrace. Despite only spending two days together, she understood what kind of creature Mo Chen was. It surprised her to see him displaying such expressions.

"I forgot to tell you, in my tribe, a female can only be with one male. So, I only need one."

She wasn't greedy, nor did she aspire to save the world like the heroines in novels. She just wanted to be with the person in front of her and help those around her within her capabilities.

Mo Chen felt like he was living a dream. In the vast land of Cangyu, how many lone male beasts could claim a mate? He was now one of them.

Expecting to die alone in some forest, everything surpassed his imagination.

Holding the small figure tightly in his arms, the strong and warm body temperature conveyed the reality of the situation. It wasn't a dream.

"Yun Er, Yun Er..."

He murmured softly, Yun Zhi listened, but the drowsiness overcame her. Curled up in Mo Chen's arms, she listened to his voice, emitting slow and rhythmic breaths.

Mo Chen, filled with joy from the surprise, stayed excited, watching Yun Zhi sleep without feeling tired.

The next day, just as dawn broke, Mo Chen, already awake, had prepared breakfast. The aroma roused Yun Zhi from her sleep.

Groggily heading to the riverside to freshen up, the cool morning stream dispelled the remaining sleepiness. She accepted the tree leaves handed by Mo Chen, used for cleaning teeth. Chewing them and spitting them out before rinsing with water left her mouth feeling fresh and teeth clean.

"Today, we're not collecting food. I'll accompany you. Is that alright?" Mo Chen tore the grilled meat into strips, neatly arranging them in a stone bowl for Yun Zhi's convenience.

The stone bowl was something Mo Chen had brought along, not for himself but for Yun Zhi. He had made a few when he saved her, intending to use them for medicine.

Setting off from the tribe, he had cleaned them. Yun Zhi's wood element awakening almost instantly healed the injuries, justifying Mo Chen's decision to hold her tightly the previous night.

"Sure, it's a good chance to find things that can be used as furniture for our home." Furniture was secondary; finding food was the priority.

Yun Zhi wasn't sure what kind of food the Hize tribe collected. Exploring would help her understand the world and its ingredients.

"Alright, Yun Er, eat a bit more. The collection site is a bit far, and you'll need the energy."

To the northwest of the Hize tribe lay a relatively small forest filled with fruits and leafy vegetables favored by females.

Yun Zhi, unaccustomed to physical activity, found her legs growing heavy halfway through the journey.

Ignoring the ambiguous looks from Wood Show and the others, she pretended to be calm, leaning on Mo Chen. However, her blushing cheeks betrayed her embarrassment and shyness.

Upon reaching the gathering point, Aunt Zhenhua instructed the females to disperse, with accompanying male guards on alert. Mo Chen, Wood Show, and Yun Zhi followed, with Mo Chen discreetly holding Yun Zhi's hand.

Walking alongside Wood Show, Yun Zhi listened to discussions about edible and inedible items.

For example, there were fruits on the trees, red and green, similar in size to apples, the main target for today's harvest. Surprisingly, there was also Chinese cabbage.

(End of Chapter)

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