Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Beauty in the Wilderness

In a cave illuminated by amber firelight, a tall figure with broad shoulders and flowing black hair, identified as Yun Zhi, sat by the bonfire, turning meat on a skewer.

The sizzling sound of cooking meat awakened Yun Zhi, who lay in a nearby haystack. As she opened her eyes to the unfamiliar surroundings, the realization of crossing into an unknown world sank in, disrupting her naive dream of returning home.

Before Yun Zhi could succumb to melancholy, the enticing aroma of roasted meat redirected her attention to its source. The person grilling the meat, with disheveled but not messy black hair and deep purple phoenix eyes, exuded a warmth accentuated by the flickering flames.

"Come eat when you wake up," the deep, magnetic voice resonated, leaving Yun Zhi marveling at its pleasant resonance.

Acknowledging the gratitude for saving her, Yun Zhi's injuries were tended to by the captivating figure. Her original clothes, torn during her escape, were replaced by a white fur garment.

Expressing thanks, Yun Zhi couldn't help but feel uneasy under the captivating gaze of the stranger. However, he nonchalantly shifted his attention back to the fire, allowing Yun Zhi to join him.

"Thank you for saving me. I may be weak now, but I'll find a way to repay you," Yun Zhi expressed her gratitude.

Although tempted to offer more than gratitude, Yun Zhi hesitated, considering the stranger's stunning appearance might not find her petite frame appealing.

The stranger remained silent, handing Yun Zhi the grilled meat and placing a few red berries beside her.

"Thank you for saving me and providing food," Yun Zhi said sincerely.

Despite saving her, the stranger didn't consider himself a good person. Observing her hanging in the tree, he initially waited for the wolves to take her. Yet, something about her vulnerability stirred a hint of compassion, prompting him to intervene.

While Yun Zhi enjoyed her meal, the stranger discreetly treated her injuries. He had crafted a set of clothes for her during his search for medicinal herbs.

Feeling honored under the handsome man's gaze, Yun Zhi shifted uncomfortably. Sensing her unease, the stranger casually averted his gaze, focusing on the fire.

"What's your name, and from which tribe do you come?" The stranger inquired, as tribes guarded young females, especially in the perilous Fallen Moon Forest.

Yun Zhi, unfamiliar with the danger of the forest, revealed her origin from Earth Village, sparking the stranger's curiosity.

"I'm Mo Chen. Fallen Moon Forest is perilous. Tomorrow, I'll take you out," Mo Chen offered, considering nearby tribes like Hize Tribe might provide refuge for her.

Curious about Yun Zhi's species, Mo Chen noticed the absence of any beastly aura on her. The Fallen Moon Forest was dangerous, and letting an underage female wander alone was unthinkable.

Unable to tackle the tough meat, Yun Zhi opted for the red berries Mo Chen provided. When asked about her species, Yun Zhi hesitated before claiming to be a dragon descendant.

Perplexed by the mention of a nonexistent dragon tribe, Mo Chen decided not to press further. However, he observed Yun Zhi closely, intrigued by her innocence and curiosity.

As Yun Zhi enjoyed the meal, she couldn't help but feel a change in her seat. Investigating, she discovered a cool sensation beneath her, akin to a straw mat.

(End of Chapter)

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