Intern decisions & Visiting Tensei again (+ additions). Chapter 16:

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(A/N: Wow another update & so soon! YAHOO!!  no TW's if i remember. Elly & Izu showing off their analyses skills tho. Starting to show some more ships~ Hope you enjoy~!! :D)

It was Tuesday and in homeroom. Shota decided to let the students either work on their intern decisions or the big project for Nemuri.

"Hey Elly, Midoriya, you both are hero fanatics right?" Denki asked.

They both turn to him and she nods.

"Yea, what's up Denki?" Izu asked.

"Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if one of you could help me figure out who I should work with. Or at the least narrow it down..."

The two look at each other smirking.

"We actually planned to help everyone if they wanted."

"Oh! Good! Not that I'm trying to take advantage of you guys but I also would've liked some suggestions." Mina adds.

~"Of course."~ Elly signs.

"Alright, who all needs help first?"

Almost everyone raises their hand.

"U-umm l-let's try that a-again. Wh-who all d-does-sn't h-ha-ave any clue who th-they w-wan-nt?" Izu asks, feeling a bit flustered.

A few less hands go up from last time.

"Alr-right. So how about we make two smaller groups and start there then move to other people that need help after talking with the first group we each talk with." He says directing that at Elly.

She nods.

"Ok, I'll start with Kaminari, Mina, Toru, and Sero."

~"I'll take Momo, Kyo, Tokoyami and Koda."~

They get settled into the groups.

Elly takes a deep breath. "Alright. So I know from Izu's questioning that you might not have a clue, but does anyone stand out to any of you?"

"Well umm..." Momo starts.

Elly smiles at her.

"Uwabamai kinda stands out."

"No. She'll have you modeling all week. I also know that you know Itsuka and you both were wanting to intern together but I don't think that's gonna happen."

"I- how??"

"If you mean you and Itsuka knowing each other it's kinda obvious. Plus I've seen you both talking at lunch before. But if you mean interning together, well that's also obvious. You probably don't get to talk often and would want to intern together but that's more than likely not gonna happen."

"Wow girl you're going all out." Kyo says.

"I take things like this seriously, Kyo. But Momo," she says, turning back to the ravenette. "Can I see your tablet real quick?"

"Sure?" She answers hesitantly sliding the tablet.

Elly takes it and quickly types a few things then puts the tablet in the center of everything. "This is Fatgum. He'll be more helpful to you than Uwabami. His quirk is also food based and he could teach you how to properly use it. He's also very nice and could help you boost your confidence." She smiles.

"Really..." Momo asks in disbelief.

"Mhm! Also remember when dad said that we need to make sure we have the costumes the way we want and need them while some need to change them?"


"Well you can change your costume to where you don't have to show any skin." Momo was about to say something when Elly cut her off. "Before you ask how can you do that when you need your skin for your quirk, there's such a thing as costumes built with DNA weaved into it. Now if you're wondering why auntie Nem didn't do that is because of the way her quirk works. Now I'd get into that but we don't have the time. But if you do want to fix that costume of yours, go down to the support lab after school or whenever you can and ask for Mei Hatsume and tell her I sent you and I'm sure she'll talk with you about your costume."

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