Talks About The Past, and IMMENSE News. Chapter 8:

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(A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating fer awhile I had a hard time writing this chapter/have gotten busy w/ other books and school. I wanted to update today since I had finished last fri since today is- yep! you guessed it! Valentines Day! Happy V-day! I love you all! Have a good day/night and PM me if you wanna/needa chat! Onto the story;)

After a while they all calmed down.

"So where are you staying Vanessa?" Nemuri asks.

"Oh I'm staying at a hotel until I go back."

Nemuri gasps. "What?! A hotel! No, no you can stay with me and Tenya!"

"Erm.. I wouldn't want to be a burden."

"You wouldn't be a burden sweetie."


"You should listen to Nemuri otherwise she'll keep on. Trust me, it gets annoying." Shota interrupts, rolling his eyes. "Or you can stay with me and you can use my room while I sleep on the couch.

"Aww Sho I always knew you cared about other people!!" Hizashi beams.

"Leave me alone Hizashi."

"Nope friends don't leave friends alone."

"Then we're not friends."

"You're right! We're brothers!!"

Shota sighs while running a hand down his face.

"How did this even happen?" He mumbles.

"You remind me of Vincent." Vanessa says.

~"He's still around?" Elly asks, looking hopeful.

"Yea kiddo Vince is still around."

~"Yay!" She signs excitedly. ~"Why didn't you bring him?"~

"He was busy. Sorry. But, we can facetime him later."


"Who's Vincent?" Hizashi asks.

"Oh, he's my boyfriend. But Shota reminds me of him because their personalities are similar."

"Well anyways you have 2 choices so choose or I will." Shota says.

Vannesa blinks then whispers to Hizashi, "Is he always this blunt?"

"Yep!" He says enthusiastically.

"Ok then... umm I guess I'll stay with you and Elly and cancel my hotel..."

"Do you have anything you need to grab from there?" Shota asks.

"Yea a few suitcases."

"Ok Hizashi and Nemuri can take you."

"Shota, I thought we had to pick up dinner?" Hizashi asks.

"Do I have to think of everything? One of you takes her and the other picks up dinner while I stay with the kids."

"I'll take her." Nemuri says.

"And I'll pick up dinner." Hizashi adds.

"Good now go."

And so the 3 of them leave.

"Tenya, what day are we supposed to visit your brother? I forgot to ask." Shoto says.

"Oh, it'll be on a Wednesday."

"Alright. I just needed to know since we're visiting my mother that Sunday."

"Yes, of course. How is she by the way?"

"Better. Thanks. And your brother."

"The same."

Elly sits there awkwardly as Shota starts to get the stuff to set the table.

Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-Norma Neko-Ōkami. (Todoroki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now