The BIG Question/The Panic Attack. Chapter 3:

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(A/N: Sorry I haven't updated. I have been very busy and i also don't usually come on fri-sun. So if you wanna read more I also have this story on FFN {}under the same name just search Todoroki x oc and it should be the 7th down. It has 7 chapters i'm currently working on 8 but i'm kinda stuck. And it {ffn} does remove some of my stuff thats why i posted it on here. So yea. If you find this anywhere else lemme know. Onto the story)

Once they get to his place Shota again helps Elly into the wheelchair and wheels her. Before they even walk in the door she can smell the soba. Once they walk in Elly's, bombarded by Snowball and Shadow. They both jumped on her lap and luckily for her Recovery Girl helped her into some normal clothes before she left.

"Hey guys!" She says petting them as Shota takes her backpack from her wheelchair and sets it on the coffee table in the living room.

"Merow~" Shadow says stretching."

"Haha. You guys hungry?" She asks.

"I already fed them." Hizashi says.

"Ok." Is all she says while gently putting them down

Then they both seem to notice her cast and they smell it and rub their scents on it.

Then after removing a chair where Elly normally sits Shota wheels her to the table.

"Thanks." She says while Hizashi puts a giant pot of cooked soba on the table. Then puts plates and chopsticks.

After they're all sitting and the food is served, Aizawa lets them eat for a few minutes before making his announcement.

Hizashi looks at him and Shota gives a small nod that Elly doesn't notice. (A/N: if you have anything you can listen to music on I recommend playing the song, " You Can Become A Hero " in piano idk if it has no piano but the version that I found available on Pandora is by " Theishter " So that's good. It'll go good from this until I put another A/N. You might have to replay it a few times.)

"Elly..." He says putting down his chopsticks which Hizashi has already done.

She puts down her own and swallows the food in her mouth before saying, "Y-yes?.."

Shota gets up and grabs something from his room and sits back down staring at the envelope.

Elly sees it and immediately starts to internally panic and it shows on her face.

Shota takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. "It's nothing bad I promise." He says calmly.

She nods and he takes his hand away and starts to open the folder.

"I- umm..." He says slowly retrieving the papers inside and he looks to Hizashi for help and he gives him an enthusiastic nod towards Shota and he looks back at Elly slowly putting the papers next to her while he says,

"I was hoping that you'll let me adopt you..." He says nervously now having the papers right next to her and she looks shocked and looks between both men then back at the papers then back to Aizawa.

"I umm already signed the papers all I have to do is send them in. But, of course if you don't want me to-" Elly interrupts.

"I-I w-want-t y-you t-to. " She says, crying. Shota gets up and asks,

"Why are you crying?" while he squatted down in front of her.

"B-bec-cau-se y-you t-took-k a-a ch-ch-an-ce o-on m-me..." She says sniffling.

Shota starts crying as well. "Of course I would. And now look, you made me cry too." He says smiling and he wipes his face on his sleeve and uses his thumbs to wipe her tears and she leans forward and hugs him and says,

Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-Norma Neko-Ōkami. (Todoroki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now