The Truth Comes Out, Meetings, and Visiting Rei Todoroki. Chapter 5:

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(A/N: Ok Hi. Here's the 2nd chap of 3 i promised today. On w/ the story.)

The next day she came with Shota to school but he left her outside the class door to explain to everyone not to overwhelm her.

Everyone voiced their concerns except Todoroki because he already knew and Bakugo because he could honestly care more.

As everyone talks he wheels in Elly and when they see her they all start worrying more and Todoroki looks mad not at her or them but at the KaReN. He's more so annoyed with his classmates.

Midoriya raises his hand. "Mr. Aizawa?"

The former sighs. "Yes Midoriya?" He says bored.

"How did you know about the incident that happened to Elly?" There was the question that made them both freeze and made Aizawa fully awake and Elly tense up and she paused her conversation with Momo. As did the rest of the class pausing their conversations to hear the answer.

Both Elly and Shota looked at each other and Elly glanced at Todoroki and looked back to her soon to be dad. They both agreed not to tell anyone unless they were both comfortable. The only people that know about the adoption are Yamada, Midnight, Nezu, the Iida brothers and Todoroki. Along with the store manager and Ichika of course.

They both just stared at each other for another second then looked to the excited and confused class and back and they both nodded. Silently agreeing to tell them.

"Should I tell them or do you want to?" He asks exasperatedly.

"Y-yo-ou..." She says nervously and squeezes the necklace in her hand.

He nods then looks at his class.

"I-I th-thin-nk I-I'll j-jus-st g-go o-out-ts-sid-de." She was about to wheel herself outside the class but Shota put his foot on the brake.

"If I have to suffer, so must you."

She puts her ears down and says nothing else.

Everyone looks confused now.

"So you all want to know how I know she ended up like this?" He asks monotonously.

All of them (but Todoroki, Iida, and Bakugo) either nod or murmur in agreement.

"That's because I'm her father, it's my job to know." He says blandly.

"WHAT?!" Some kids yell.

"I didn't know you had a kid Mr. Aizawa!" Denki yells.

"So manly!" Kirishima says, pumping his fist in the air.


"Welp this got chaotic." Iida adds mumbling and puts his hands on his face.

"Ever heard of adoption, idiot Pomeranian?" Shoto asked monotonously.

Everyone turned to him.

"YOU KNEW!?" Most shouted.

"Hmph." He shrugged.

"No wonder why he wasn't thinking up theories of who her parents were!" Izuku says. (Oh no... he was i assure you Izu)

"I still think that your father is All Might." Shoto says dully.

"Wh-what?! B-but th-that's n-not tr-ue!"

"Then why are you stuttering? It's obvious that you're hiding something Midoriya."

"J-just a-ask K-kacch-chan! H-he's s-seen m-my d-dad wh-when w-we w-were y-young-ger!" Izuku tries to defend.

Both Izuku and Shoto look at Bakugo along with everyone else looking between the three of them.

Half Fire & Ice meets Hydra-Norma Neko-Ōkami. (Todoroki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now