Part 9

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*I do apologize for the late update. I had to take some time away from writing for my mental health. Hope you enjoy.*

Images flitted through his mind as he stared into the dark abyss. Many of them from when he was but a child. In all of the memories that came to the forefront Klaus, his Dad, was a constant presence, until he wasn't. He had been there one second, and the next he was just gone like a wisp of smoke. Damon had been struggling since the revelation to make sense of how he felt on the matter. 

He wanted to accept everything and to have someone who actually cared about him in his corner again but, he wasn't so sure Klaus was the one who could give that to him. His Dad had already proven he would leave without him at a moment's notice, so what was stopping him from doing it again. The more Damon thought about it, the more he felt a churning feeling in his gut.

Why couldn't Klaus have come back for him sooner? Was he such a pain that even the one who had taken him in didn't want him either? The questions burned into Damon's mind as he started to regain clarity in the waking world. His skin tingled with pins and needles; the world before him was disorienting as he opened his eyes to the blinding light of the day. Damon gritted his teeth as he pushed himself into a sitting position, forcing himself to ignore the tingling that burned through his blood.

 He kept his breathing as even as he could, attempting to circumvent the panic he could feel building deep within him as he realized for the second time recently, that he did not recognize his surroundings in the slightest.

His hand flew up towards his neck, his fingers tangling in the warm metal chain of the pendant his father had gifted him so long ago. Damon found himself longing to detach the charm from his neck and toss it into the deepest pit on the face of the planet. Perhaps, he was blinded by rage but, if he was certain of one thing, it was that he wanted little if nothing to do with his father. 

After having spent so much time apart and having gone through so much pain without Klaus, Damon found himself just done with the man. Yes, he was angry and yes, he was upset with what he had learned.

Most of all though, Damon found himself torn between wanting to be a family with him again or just cleaning his hands of the situation and walking away to live his eternity without an Original in site.

Damon's gaze flew up from the pendant as a loud creak echoed from behind the door to his left. There were only two doors in the entirety of the room he had woken in and Damon found himself just knowing that that particular door would lead to Klau...his Dad. A lump formed in his throat, fire burned through his veins at the mere thought of seeing him, speaking to him after so many years of nothing.

He didn't want to confront him now, possibly he would never. If Damon had his way, he would never have to face this conversation with his Dad. While Damon longed for an explanation to the reasons behind everything, he also could not believe that Klaus would have a good enough reason for leaving. 

With a final glance at the door that led to the last bit of family he truly had, Damon flashed to the window. As quickly as he could manage Damon pulled the window open before with a final glance back, he jumped.

His feet hit the ground with a soft thud before he shot toward the forest that surrounded the house he had woken up in. Damon had only made it a mile into the woods when he was suddenly thrown off his feet. He flew backward, landing hard on his back as the wind was knocked clear out of him. A growl tore from his throat as he found himself staring at the bright blue sky above him, without a moments hesitation Damon shot to his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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