Untitled Part 5

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11 February 1850

Niklaus watched over the edge of his book as Giuseppe shoved Damon out the door before heading towards his office.

As soon as the office was shut, Niklaus shot to his feet.

Ensuring the doors were locked and the blinds were closed, he yanked the office door open.

A smirk rose to his face as the door slammed open, effectively creating a hole in the drywall behind it. "WHAT THE HE—!! Mr. Mikaelson, what seems to be the big problem?"

Forcing himself to remain calm, Niklaus slowly started to approach Giuseppe, who had sat back down behind his desk.

 "Tell me, what could your son have possibly done to earn your ire? To have earned your hatred?" A growl tore from his throat as Giuseppe shifted in his chair.

 Giuseppe allowed a bemused look to cross his face, motioning for Niklaus to take a seat.

"My son, Damon, is a very stubborn young man. If one isn't careful, stubbornness can become arrogance and cause many problems. You ask me why I hold nothing but contempt for my son. It is because he is responsible for the death of my beloved wife, his mother, Lillianna Salvatore."

Niklaus felt the anger leave him in a sudden rush at Giuseppe's words.

The anger he had originally felt was immediately replaced by hatred at the accusing tone that had entered the words Giuseppe had spoken.

Glaring into his eyes, Niklaus kept his tone even, venom dripping from his lips as he forced complete obedience through his chosen words.

"You are going to sit there and be silent. I tore out my mother's heart for the harm she caused my siblings and me. One day, I will put my father down for the 'punishments' he provided to my siblings and me. I abhor those who harm a child for any reason especially imagined slights. You say your son killed his mother, and you have done a phenomenal job convincing him it was his fault. However, I looked into the boys your boy's eyes last night, and I can truly say they are not the eyes of a killer. Damon has never taken a life of that, I am sure. So in consideration of this, you will do exactly as I say. You will immediately sign over written custody of Damon to me, and you will not so much as acknowledge him so long as I am around. When I feel it is time, Damon will be leaving with me, and the moment he does, you will set the house ablaze with yourself inside."

Giuseppe struggled furiously against the weight he felt settle in his head as Niklaus ordered him about.

 Moving against his will, Giuseppe grabbed a piece of parchment and carefully signed over the guardianship of his eldest son.

Throwing the parchment towards Niklaus, they both watched as it fluttered softly to the ground.

Glancing away, a smirk grew to cover Niklaus's face, his jaw clenching tightly as he grabbed the paper from the floor.

Lunging forward, Niklaus slammed Giuseppe hard against the wooden wall behind his desk.

"You are only breathing now because you have yet to outlive your usefulness. Do as I say, and for the foreseeable future, you will remain useful but go against what I tell you, and your usefulness will end fairly quickly. Do I make myself clear?" Niklaus hissed hatefully against Giuseppe's ear, his hand resting against the man's throat as he slowly started to apply pressure to his windpipe.

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