The Dance

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5th March 1850

Damon- 10 years old

Stefan- 7 years old


The lights in the house flickered as the tropical storm angrily beat down upon them. Loud slams could be heard as the wind attacked the shutters hanging neatly against the windows. A distant crack of thunder sounded throughout the entire town shortly before a bolt of lightning came and struck through the air lighting up the entirety.

Damon bit his lip anxiously as the storm raged outside, he had never liked storms. That hatred had only increased when Giuseppe had locked him outside during one as punishment for speaking out of turn at dinner one night.

Damon was not outside at the moment though; no he was in his chambers attempting to fall asleep. It seemed his efforts would be futile though as every time he closed his eyes he could see his father's looming figure behind his lids.

He knew he need not worry about Giuseppe at least, not since Mr. Mikaelson had come about. Father had seemingly ignored him since Mr. Mikaelson had sat down with him and claimed guardianship of Damon.

Another lightning strike flashed by his window, causing him to yelp in both surprise and fear. His eyes began to sting as they teared up; he couldn't help it, if his Mother was here she would have held him in her arms throughout the storm till he fell asleep.

Lillian often did this against the wishes of Giuseppe who thought that Damon should just man up, after all, it's not like Giuseppe hadn't let him back in the house before the tornado touched down the next morning.

The house shook as the wind beat harder against the window panes, rain splattering against the eaves creating the sound of nails scraping down a screen door. Damon bit his tongue desperately to keep any sound from escaping as tears finally started to cascade down his face.

Grabbing his pillow Damon shoved himself fully under the blankets that lay across his bed. Just because he had to suffer through the storm in his chambers alone did not mean he had to watch as it attacked the house.

Niklaus glared down at the inquiry from Elijah; Marcellus had decided to harass the kitchen help they had on hand and of course, Elijah was blaming it on him. His letter was lamenting quite thoroughly the fact that Niklaus did not properly handle the boy and that he was just ruining him for the future.

As if the rest of the family did not spoil the child as well no, Elijah perceived all the blame to be placed on Niklaus. Now he was attempting to persuade him to come back and help corral the boy despite how Elijah said he could control him without any assistance from Niklaus while he was away. 'It's not as easy as it seems, is it brother?' Niklaus thought moodily as he began the trek to his chambers.

He had quite a few things still to do including, finding a home for Damon and him to stay in temporarily until the boy adjusted.

While they could very well stay with the Salvatore Patriarch, he felt that would do more harm than good for the boy in the long run. Damon needed to feel safe and trust Niklaus before he was moved to New Orleans to meet the storm that was the rest of the Mikaelson siblings.

Niklaus paused in his footsteps as he heard a soft whimper coming from down the hall. The only people who were in the Salvatore residence were Damon, himself, and the elder Salvatore's slaves to keep the house put together.

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