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(Stefan is now 7 as of the last chapter)

12, January 1850

Finally, after over a month, Klaus had managed to get a meeting with the bloody werewolves. At first, they had been wary of him but eventually agreed to his terms after he swore to end their curse permanently. While he had been displeased for having to wait so long, it had not been a total waste of time.

Klaus had spent the last month studying the Salvatore family. He was not happy with what he had learned. What he had hoped was an isolated event had turned out to be anything but; more often than not, the young Damon Salvatore could be seen sporting new bruises, cuts, scrapes, or burns around the small town.

Niklaus could not let it continue; something had to be done.


Finally, after 154 years, Klaus had found him again. Not only had he found his little blackbird, but the doppelganger had been with him.

He could not believe his luck that the two beings he had searched so long and hard for were right within his grasp. Klaus felt relief at the thought of being reunited with Damon.

Soon he would be able to fulfill the promise he had made to his blackbird all those years ago. Grabbing his bag from the bed, Klaus headed out the door a smirk gracing his face. 'I'm coming home Damon; you won't need to wait for me for much longer.' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Elijah stared out the window at the woods around Mystic Falls. The boy had been occupying his mind since he had laid eyes on him. Compulsion had been placed on him to forget the origin of his pendant; that much was very clear.

It would make sense for Niklaus to have been the one to make him forget but to what end. Niklaus had not cared for anyone other than himself for over a millennium, so why would he start now? What made this young vampire so special to have caught his brother's eye?

The questions seemed to keep piling up, with no answers becoming available to him. His head turned slightly as he watched Jonas enter the apartment out of the corner of his eye.

Turning back to face the window in front of him, Elijah tried to calm the storm brewing in his mind before he spoke to Jonas.It would not do to speak with him and say something that would lead him to much regret in the future. If the warlock knew of Damon and his connection to Klaus, he might choose to use him as leverage against his younger brother.

While Elijah would not normally be against this course of action, he felt he had to protect the boy. Something about him seemed to draw him further and further to the mystery. "Were you able to find the girl?" Elijah's voice was soft as he slowly turned to face the warlock.

"It wasn't easy, but I gathered some of her things. It doesn't seem like she is staying there, so the tracking spell we are using should be able to show you where she is." Jonas held up a picture of the doppelganger in a cheerleading uniform and some strands of her hair.

Elijah allowed Jonas to grab his hand as he moved forward, pressing his palm flat against the girl's items. "Phasmatos intleo marlot inferlot, Phasmatos intleo marlot inferlot." Images flashed before Elijah's eyes before settling on the doppelganger. She was sitting in a living room filled with old-style furniture.

Around her sat a young brunette witch, a young blonde vampire, and both men who had attacked him while with Rosemary and Trevor. However, there was a distinct absence of the young black-haired vampire who had caught his interest.

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