Untitled Part 4

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10 February 1850

Plans. That was all he had been making as he considered where to put Damon after getting him away from Giuseppe. With a little help from compulsion, gaining custody of the boy would be simple. After that, though, he did not know what he would do with the boy. 

Many options had crossed his mind, from giving the boy to the wolf pack he had allied with to taking Damon home with him to New Orleans.

Klaus's gaze caught on Damon as he passed by the library. Damon was hunched over a table with a stack of books beside him. Giuseppe stood beside him, watching the boy as he worked, anger written on his face. 

"You stupid, ignorant boy!!" Giuseppe threw the book Damon had been working with across the room.

The stack of books beside Damon scattered across the floor as Giuseppe pushed Damon against the table. Giuseppe's hand came up, slapping Damon across the face, "WHY CAN'T YOU EVER GET ANYTHING RIGHT!! YOU INSOLENT WASTE OF SPA—!" Giuseppe's voice broke off as he caught sight of Niklaus watching from the stairwell. 

His gaze was filled with a deathly fury as he stepped toward Giuseppe and Damon.

"Just—Just clean this up and start on your chores." Giuseppe muttered as he released Damon and walked from the room, passing by Niklaus without a glance.

 Niklaus moved toward Damon, grabbing a few of the books that had fallen on the floor. "Are you alright?" Klaus kept his voice soft as he gazed at the young boy in front of him.

Damon's cheek was bright red, and his expression was blank except for his eyes. Despite all he went through, his eyes were filled with a fire that refused to be extinguished. 

"I am fine. It was my fault; I should have worked harder at my lessons. I apologize for disturbing your stay, Mr. Mikealson."

Sadness and Anger overtook Niklaus as he gazed at Damon, who stood in front of him with his head bowed submissively. He should never have had to go through such treatment, treatment that reminded him all too well of Mikael's behavior towards him and his siblings.

"The situation you are in is far from your own doing, Damon. You are not responsible for the deplorable actions of your father." Damon shook his head softly at Niklaus's words.

"I am responsible sir. Father only does what he must. Punishing me is what he must do after I kill-." Tears had sprung to the boy's eyes as the words left his lips in a soft spoken whisper. 

Concern flitted across Niklaus's face as Damon stepped away from Niklaus, whose arm had come up to grasp Damon's shoulder. "Damon?" Niklaus asked as he made to move closer to him.

"I-I-I have to go. I have chores to attend to. I wish you a pleasant day, Mr. Mikaelson." Damon moved from the room with his head bowed as quickly as he could without appearing to be running. 

Niklaus stared after the boy's retreating figure; there seemed to be more going on behind the scenes than he was aware of.

Just what had Giuseppe convinced Damon of? What made the boy think he deserved to be treated in such a way? Klaus's gaze fell on the door to Giuseppe's office; he had been wanting to wait to gain the boy's trust before gaining custody of him. 

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