Chapter 18 - Seeing

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    I've been staring out of the car window for what seemed like an eternity, watching the trees and scattered houses turn into one ways and high rise buildings as we entered into the city, my city.

The driver pulls into the parking lot of a huge building that's blacked out except for the neon signs indicating clearly what kind of establishment it is, there's people out all over the place tonight from what I can see, weekends.

"Don't try and make any funny moves while we're in there." My cold guard says from beside me as he locks his empty eyes on mine.

"What counts as funny." I say coolly, returning his empty gaze when something terrible happens;

He grins.

Turning and getting out I follow and do the same, stepping out I pull the long jacket tighter and follow after him into the back entrance of the building. Taking one last glance at the full moon, I'm reminded of his night like persona when the feeling of hopelessness starts to settle in my chest. I miss him.

Stepping through the door I walk though the dark hallway, the familiar smell of alcohol and sensual body spray engulfing me as I'm lead to the main part of the club. "Before anything..." the guard says as he points at my coat.

"Could've just asked." I grumble before taking it off and handing it to coat check, reveling the little red get-up Leo had picked out for me. I feel like a damn pet of his.

"Now have a good mood, be fun and playful for the boss." He says shortly.

"Right for sure, let me just switch to being fun and happy for my kidnapper!" I mock plastering on a fake smile.

"Our boss specifically asked for you to be here as entertainment for him and his inner circle which is something most women like you would kill for, be grateful." He spits back.

Women like me huh...

"You're right, I apologize. Please, lead the way." I say pleasantly, I cannot forget my objective for tonight.

Taking my arm he leads me through the heavily packed club, I take in my surroundings while trying to relax myself into being more comfortable before seeing him, I even steal a shot off the bar as we pass by to calm my nerves causing the guard to shoot me a dirty look.

We approach a secluded table towards the back with a group of men sitting around the table all playing cards and smoking cigars when I feel my body start to tremble from fear, none of these men I want to be around right now. Feeling the guard squeeze my arm slightly I pull myself back together as they turn their eyes to me...

Eyes of hunger, malice, evil, all on me.

"There's my star!" Leo says standing up and pulling me in for a kiss on the cheek. "Don't screw this up." He says sinisterly in my ear before pulling back, presenting me to the group. 

"Pretty girl..." one of the men in a suit and scars on his face says through his cigar. "Why don't you sit down huh, we can all get to know each other."

I'm scared, no like I'm really fucking scared.

I sit down and for the next hour I'm used as arm candy to Leo while they continue to drink, play and talk about some evil shit that I'm almost surprised they're saying it in front of me. One guy will draw his attention to me asking all sorts of pervy-drunk questions before going back to mafia talk, but all of their eyes are the same on me and it's making me sick.

"Alright kitten, go up there and show us what you can do." Leo says to me with half lidded eyes and a grin.

I cock my head in confusion before I follow his gaze and see the empty stage lit up with purple and blue hues, the pole in the center that once was my lifeline seems now like a death sentence.

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