Chater 5 - Irritated

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Since I'm now alternating between stage and serving, tonight is my serving night and boy are they working me hard. It's a Friday and it's been packed since earlier, I can already tell that this night is going to be long.

Thankfully I haven't had to deal with him at all since I've been able to go to Axelle for my orders so far, so this night can't be too bad!

I get up to the bar when I notice that Axelle's no where to be found, only Choso.

"She left early, said she was having bad cramps. The day shift guy should be coming soon." He says without looking at me.

Damn Axelle and her cramps.

"Okay well I need 5 shots of Vodka, please." I say impatiently.

He gives me the biggest side eye before pouring up the shots and placing the tray in front of me.

"Here you are your majesty." He spits out as I continue to glare at him.

I go to grab the tray but I accidentally brush my fingers against his, unexpectedly I feel tingles shoot through my hands.

Fuck him and fuck these feelings.

Turning without a word I go to the table and serve their shots before heading to the next table to get their refills. The rest of the night there were no other words between Choso and I except drink orders and I kept it that way.

"Hey girl! Crazy night huh?" Nobara says as we stop off to the side to take a breather.

"Yeah for sure, good thing it'll be closing time soon. I'm already exhausted."

"So I've been keeping an eye on you two and I noticed there's not much talking going on huh?" She asks curiously.

"Nobara this man is ridiculous and he's acting like a child." I say rolling my eyes.

"Hmm well I've also noticed how much he keeps his eye out on you." She grins as she nudges my arm.

"Yeah probably so he can see me trip or something." I mumble.

"Hey ladies, you getting paid to chat or paid to serve?"

"Malik! Sorry we were just gossiping, we'll get back to it!" Nobara exclaims.

"You know you two are my favorite ladies here, I'm just teasing! Also who are we gossiping about?" He says standing with us and overlooking the club. He's wearing a burgundy suit with a white undershirt that compliments his dark skin, his rich cologne as always overpowers any smell nearby.

"I think you say that about all of us Malik," I tease back. "And we weren't talking abo-"

"Y/n and Choso have a thing!" Nobara blurts out.

"Nobara! No we do NOT. That man is insufferable and I could go the rest of my life without hearing his voice." I scowl crossing my arms.

"Interesting..." Malik says with a grin.

"Don't look at me like that, there's nothing between us!" I exclaim, again.

"Y/n listen honey, I'm just going to come out and say it." Malik says putting his hand on my shoulder. "You need a man, or at least some dick."


"No because he's totally right y/n, when was the last time you were in a relationship or even slept with someone?" Nobara asks.

"I mean, well it's been a while I suppose..."

"Exactly! Plus I like Choso so far, he's a good worker here and definitely easy on the eyes." He says with a wink with Nobara agreeing.

"Oh actually I think that table needs a drink, I'll see you guys later!" I say as I rush away from them before I could hear what else those two had to say.

"Sorry sir about that wait, what can I get ya?" I say cheerfully as I approach the table I beelined for.

"Hm, how about a vodka and cranberry, with maybe a side of you?" The attractive red haired man says with a toothy smile.

"Oh sorry sir, but I'm not on the menu!" I laugh to ease his ego. "But I'll get that drink right up for you!"

Reluctantly going to the bar I stare at Choso until he feels uncomfortable enough to come over to me, which of course works.

"Vodka and cran." I flatly say.

I watch him mix up the drink as my eye trail to his tattooed arms and the veins in his hands. How good they'd look around my neck.

"Here." He says snapping me out of my traitorous thoughts.

I take the drink go to turn around when I hear him call my name. "Yes, what is it?" I say annoyed.

"Watch it with that guy." He says, his purple eyes drilling into mine.

"Whats it to you?"

"He's just bad news." He deadpans.

"Right, yeah of course." Rolling my eyes I walk back to the table feeling extremely annoyed.

What's his deal with trying to control me? Another side of it feels like he's just looking out for me, but his shit attitude ruins everything. Plus I'm extremely stubborn.

"Here you are sir! Could I get you anything else?"

"Maybe your phone number?" He says with a grin.

"Oh I'm not allowed to give out my number, company policy!" I say sympathetically.

"Well that's too bad, you seem like such a nice girl." He says with a look that makes me melt inside.

Without thinking I take a seat across from him. "Well you sure have a way with words sir, what's your name?"

"Leo. You know I saw your performance, Vixen right? Man you were great, I'd love to have a girl like you on my arm." He leans forward with a glint in his eye. "Absolutely captivating."

I'm not sure what it is but being near him, talking to him makes me feel on edge in a good way, maybe even dangerous.

Maybe it's because Choso told me to stay away from him that's making me act out like this.

"Well in that case, I might be able to sneak you my number..." I say with a sultry smile making his eyes light up.

"Well how about that."

After giving him my number I get up to finish up with last call rounds when I catch Choso glaring at me from behind the bar.

Serves that asshole right.


So I was thinking of making our red haired man Sukuna buuuuuttt I love him too much to put him another man's fic this way lmaoo


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