Part 16 - Taken

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   I slowly open my heavy eyes to a lavish gray room, blinking a few times I feel a sharp pain in my head that makes me wince.

I sit up in the overly comfortable bed and look around noticing just how large this room is and how expensive everything in here looks. Did I get that fucked up last night I ended up in some random house?

Oh wait.

With the memory's flooding back in I feel myself start to panic, my heart rate and breathing skyrocket as I realize the situation I'm in. Kidnapped.

"Okay y/n, breathe damn it."

Slipping of the bed slowly I go to the door, surprised that it opens and walk out to a massive hall lined with doors I'm assuming go to other bedrooms, resembling a mansion-hotel. Looking down both ends, there are a with different expensive looking artifacts lining the walls and tables, but not too much to be crowded.

Walking quietly down the hall I keep on guard noticing just how quiet and empty it is, making the ringing in my ears intensify. I get to a winding grand staircase and decide to pursue further, taking each step on my tip toes as my heart beats harder and harder.

Getting to the end of the stairs I let out a shaky breath, looking around at the grandness of this place, how bright it and open it is, almost inviting as I step out a looking around the massive room with more unique artifacts filling it up. Looking down one end I see what looks to be the opening of the dining room, but turning my head I see the massive mahogany double front doors on the other end.

Run y/n.

"Oh y/n, you're awake!" Jolting slightly I turn slowly to the familiar voice, Leo as he smiles at me as if I were an old friend.

"Leo?" I ask feeling a mix of confusion and anger. "What's going on, what am I doing here?"

He steps forward and lets out his hand to me as if I'm going to grab it. "Why don't we sit down so we can talk, hm? You need to relax a little-"

Picking up a nearby vase I throw it as hard as I can at him, barely missing as shatters into a million pieces at his feet. "Y/n that as expensive you know." He says in a monotone voice.

"You fucking kidnapped me and now you want me to sit down with you to talk?" I shout as I approach him, even though my body is trembling. "Whatever happened between you and Choso leave me the fuck out of it!"

He slyly smiles at my death glare and grabs me by my wrist, yanking me towards him with force. "Someone's got quite the mouth on them huh. Simmer down a bit, I won't have you here destroying my home because you're a little mad."

"A little mad?" I repeat slowly feeling the swirl of emotions burn up in me. "Let go of me asshole!"

Before I could do anything he yanks me hard, forcing me to walk after him through to the dining room as beautiful as it is. Under different circumstances, I'd beam with awe, it looks like something fit for royalty.

Not that Leo's any kind of king.

"I'd really wish you'd just calm down..." he mumbles under his breath.

Leading me to the massive table he practically shoves me in one of the chairs as he takes the one beside me. "So y/n, I know you're upset, but I want you to be comfortable while you stay here. It was never my intention to hurt you or make you uncomfortable." He say's almost sincerely.

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