Chapter 3 - Him

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      "You were amazing y/n, I've never seen that side of you and honestly, I'm ready to take you home myself!" Axelle says with a wink.

She came to the locker room on a quick break to see me after my set since she finally has another body behind the bar. I stare at myself in the vanity, feeling both nervous and conceited at the same time.

"You uh, think it wasn't that bad huh...?" I ask letting out a shaky breath.

"Are you kidding me? Give yourself more credit, up that self confidence because on that stage you were like a goddess." She says reassuringly.

"I felt like one too. I just- can't believe I finally did it, that I'm finally here.." I respond slightly trailing off.

"You need to relax and enjoy the night. We only have 2 hours left, go out and talk to customers since you're a dancer tonight!"

Axelle leaves me still staring at myself in the mirror. So many years of low self esteem and battling trying to find where I belong in this world, the stage, pole is where I feel I belong, finally.

The feeling scares me, but I can't be a sad bitch forever.

Freshening up my body, hair and makeup I head back out to the club feeling tons of eyes on me, following me as I make my pick of what group I want to start off with-

A group of gentleman who've came here for years and decided to make me a part of the 'boys' or whatever that means.

"Y/n goddammit I didn't know you could move like that!" The man with white hair, Gojo exclaims.

"Why don't you take a seat, you must be exhausted." The other man, Nanami, says from beside him.

"Thanks you guys, I hope you don't decide to go all weird on me now, I am still one of the gang right?" I chuckle nervously.

"Oh please, you know you're our girl no matter what, Don't worry, we'll never make you feel uncomfortable." Gojo says as I take a seat next to him.

"But we can't help if we fall in love with you with how angelic you move like that miss y/n." The black haired man, Geto says to me intensely.

"Back off. Now if anyone's going to make this girl their own it going to be me, so how's it going pretty girl?" The man with a scar on his face, Toji says with a smirk as he leans in closer to me.

"Toji get out of my face, you're too broke for me." I respond teasingly.


"Eh whatever, you make look appetizing but you're attitude is too manly!" Toji says as he turns away, pouting.

"Ahh I love having you here. We really should get together outside of this club, maybe bowling?" Gojo suggests, taking a drink of his whisky.

"Yeah but who's going to cover Tojis broke ass?" I fire off without thinking.


"Eh what with you woman? I'll break your leg so you can't make any money! We'll see who's laughing then."

"It's all friendly fire, calm down a bit with our girl. There will be no breaking of anyone's legs." Nanami, like the responsible adult he is responds to Tojis childishness.

"I mean maybe someone should break Toji's leg, so then he'd have a legitimate reason to not go to work instead of whatever halfassed excuses he's been using." I say quietly unable to hold my giggling.

The table erupts in laughter as Toji continues to pout with his empty threats, but as Nanami said it's all in friendly fire since this is a regular occurrence for us whenever I'd get time to sit with them.

They've also have become lifeline-like friends for me.

After a bit of talking with them, I decided to give my attention to some other tables to build more 'relationships' with the customers, mostly to get more money when my sets are on.

I make my way to the bar, standing in front of Axelle as I watch her make a cocktail for the older man next to me.

"Axeeee, I'm in desperate need of a drink." I whine to her.

"Hm, I got the perfect mix for you then!" She says with a glint of mischief in her green eyes.

The older man and I start talking, mostly about how he loved my performance when the new bartender walks from the back and starts making drinks.

Half listening to the man I felt my eyes get stuck watching him as he spoke to customers or him mixing up drinks, watching the veins in his hands as he fluidly made the cocktails with ease.

Having a closer view I noticed the tattoo over the bridge of his nose of just a black, thick line and the purple hue under his eyes making it look like he doesn't sleep much.

Just being this close to him makes my body heat, thinking of his eyes on me while on stage sends butterflies pooling in my stomach.

"You've been staring a while, is there something I can help you with?" He says standing in front of me now.

When the fuck did he get in front of me?!?

"Oh! Uh, no I was just-"

"Don't mind her she's just tired from her set," Axe says with a wink at me, "here honey this will perk you right up!"

"Oh thanks!" I quickly take a strong sip from the pink drink, instantly feeling my body crave more.

"Damn what's in this Axe? It feels like I'm sipping magic or something."

"You like it? It's my new secret drink called Coral Nights." She says dramatically before getting called to another customer.

"Sorry I was gawking, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable!" I say to the bartender who's kept his dark purple eyes on me.

"No you're fine, just making sure you were okay. What's you're name, you're a dancer here?" He says emotionless as he puts his tattooed forearm on the bar.

"Well my name is y/n and I'm originally a server here. I'm only dancing a few nights since we're short on girls and all." I say as he continues to look intensely at me.

Why is he staring in my soul..?

"So uh, what's your name?" I ask awkwardly.

"I'm Choso." He replies rather emotionless. A man from down the bar called for another drink, causing Choso to tear his eyes from me and attend to him, leaving me to feel weird.

He seemed kind of uninterested, maybe it's best to keep my distance.

I make my way to Gojo's table to hangout a bit since the clubs just about to close. I don't know if it's necessary I stay til closing, but I'm used to it by now.

After more shit talking from Toji I change to sweats and a hoodie and help close down the club, finally making my way through the parking lot to my car when I notice my front passenger tire is flat.

Not just flat, but slashed.

Most people have left left already save for the few lingering cars, but it's enough to cause my heart rate to speed up in panic knowing how some customers get with the girls at clubs.

Fuck it I'll just put on my spare, I'm not dealing with a tow this late at night.

Right when I make it to my trunk a white van pulls up behind me with two middle aged men in the front.

"Hey little lady, need a man's help with that?" The driver hollers out to me with a nasty grin.

"Nope I'm all good, thank you!"

My hands start to shake as the two open their doors to approach me.

"Missy, are you sure about that?"


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