5 - Rape-Kit

831 20 3

TW: Rape, Rape-kit, medical procedures


I had only just sat down properly in the chair when Carina came in. I still wanted to get everything over with before everyone else came back from the call:

"let's just get it over with, just do what needs to be done or tell me what to do."

Carina gave me a slightly stern look and when I looked at Miranda I noticed a slightly stern look from her too.

Carina put on rubber gloves and started to talk:

"We won't just do anything that 'has to be done' and we won't tell you or order you what to do"

Miranda now joined in:

"At every step we will present to you, you will have the chance to give or refuse your consent. Your control was taken from you tonight and we want to give it back to you now."

I nodded and looked at the floor.

Carina was putting some utensils on a shelf and prepared bags on another. Meanwhile, Miranda brought me a clipboard on which my consent was confirmed in writing and data was recorded:

"I've already copied most of your file, you just need to sign it, but I still need to ask you again in advance, will you give us your consent to do this examination?"

Carina now stood next to Miranda directly in front of me:

"We will ask for your consent before every single examination we are going to do and you can either agree or disagree, do you understand?"

I now looked them both in the eyes:

"Yes, I do understand and I give my consent to you"

Carina nodded and took the clipboard from me. Miranda now looked at me and explained the first step:

"We would first want to take your clothes and put them in bags, which will later be checked for DNA from your attacker. Do you give your consent?"

I looked Miranda in the eye, somewhat perplexed, and thought for a moment that I would have to sit naked on the chair for the examination, but then I saw a hospital gown in Carina's hand:

"Yes, I give my consent."

Carina put the hospital gown next to me on the shelf and offered to help me:

"Shall we help you take something off?"


I was obviously having trouble getting my sweater off, as a lot of my body was still hurting and I nodded:

"Yes please"

Carina helped me pull the sweater over my arms and finally over my head.

"Can you please help me with the t-shirt and the bra Carina? I'm sorry I can't do this on my own"

I was ashamed that I couldn't even undress on my own and didn't want to be intrusive or force myself on her.

Carina took the shirt by the bottom waistband and helped me pull it over my upper body:

"Of course I can help you, please don't apologize though, I offered and you also have every right to get help!"

Miranda put my sweater in one bag and my T-shirt in another and started labeling. Meanwhile, Carina looked at me briefly:

"Is it okay with you if I unhook your bra now?"

I hesitated and thought for a moment:


I didn't give you my consent | Station 19Where stories live. Discover now