"Akira and I will take the women and children to your house and care for them. She can treat any wounds they have." She turned to Chikako. "You stay. You'll want to know what happened."

Chikako nodded and went to stand with Tobirama.

Dai took a deep breath. "Takao arrived home and we made preparations for him to take his place as leader. Two of the other clan leaders challenged him and when he didn't back down they attacked." He looked at Chikako, "I'm sorry. We helped all we could but we were outnumbered."

"Were there any casualties?" Tobirama looked at the men around him.

"A few men who had sworn allegiance to Takao on our side. I don't know about theirs." He sounded as if he didn't care either.

"How did you escape?"

They called a truce saying they didn't want civilian casualties. They made the offer that Takao and anyone loyal to him could leave but they had to be gone by morning or they would be required to swear allegiance to the new Kage, Kamizuru."

Chikako gasped and they both looked at her. "That's my grandfathers clan, my mother's family." She couldn't help but wonder if the takeover had been instigated by her mother leaving the village. She also knew there was no use worrying.

"We gathered ourselves and took off, running for our lives, literally."

"Go home and rest." Tobirama nodded at Dai. "I'll take them from here." He slipped his hand into Chikako's as he turned to the men who were left. "Konoha nin, I appreciate your honor in helping our friends."

Once people had dispersed and they were the only ones left, Tobirama turned to Chikako. "So much for our marriage alliance."

She smiled sadly and wrapped her arm around his waist. "I'm sorry that it's failed. But I'm not sorry that I'm here with you."

"Me too Chika. But I don't consider it a failure, after all I met you through it."

"Well, I'm going home and sort out the women and children. We don't have any spare houses, do we?" She smiled.

"We'll find a place for them."

At home she found Akira had fed them and put them to bed. Momo and the baby were in Akira's room and Naomi, Ai and the boys in her mothers room. "They're resting comfortably. They were all exhausted but not hurt. Thirsty, hungry and tired is easily fixed."

"And the baby?"

Very healthy little boy." Akira smiled. "Just like you'll have."

The front door slid open and the two women turned to see Maki and Shikaya come in.

Chikako put her finger to her lips and led them into the kitchen where they explained what had happened to them over tea.

"I suppose it's good that Maki will be moving in with me today? We came to get her things." Shikaya said with a grin.

Akira smiled broadly, "Maki! I'm so happy for you both!"

"We'll be getting married as soon I convince the clan elders to perform the ceremony." Shikaya added with a wink.

Chikako sat next to her mother. "I'm so glad for you mother. No one deserves happiness more than you."

"I agree." A quiet voice came from the doorway and they looked up to see Naomi standing there.

"Naomi, you should be resting." Akira scolded the women.

"I'm worried about Takao." She nodded to Chikako and Maki.

Chikako smiled, drawing the woman to the table and serving her tea. "Naomi, this is Shikaya Nara. He's head of the Nara clan and has stolen my mothers heart."

Naomi looked very uncomfortable and shifted.

Maki spoke. "Please don't feel uncomfortable on my behalf. I don't hold you responsible at all for our past. We were both wronged by my marriage to Atsushi. There's been far too much sadness. Please be my friend Naomi." She smiled warmly at the woman who smiled back.

"You have no idea what that means to me." Naomi turned to Chikako, "Where is Takao?"

"He's in the hospital. I can take you there if you want?"

The two women left for the hospital, as they walked Naomi talked about the unrest that had occurred since Chikako's father had been killed. "I think they knew from the beginning that he was dead." She confided.

"I'm sorry, you must have been so frightened."

"Dai was very kind and said that as long as he and his men were there I was safe. Ironic, me being protected by Senjus."

Chikako question about what she meant was silenced as they arrived at the partially finished hospital and were looking for Takao. She spotted Hashirama and Tobirama and indicated that Naomi should follow her.

Chikako joined Naomi in a sigh of relief. Takao was sleeping soundly but he looked well otherwise.

"Severe chakra exhaustion. He must have fought hard." Hashirama said. "Odd to see it in him, he has so much chakra."

"Hashirama, Tobirama, this is Naomi, Takao's mother."

"You can sit by him if you want. He just needs rest, and fluids now. Food when he wakes up." Hashirama indicated a chair that he moved closer to the bed.

"Thank you Hashirama-sama." Naomi said.

"Just Hashirama, please."

"We'll take care of him from here." A voice boomed from the doorway.

Hashirama, Tobirama and Chikako all turned simultaneously at the deep voice of the head of the Uchiha clan. His presence dominated the room. "He's one of us, we take care of our own."

"Madara, he shouldn't be moved just yet. Let him rest," Hashirama said.

"What do you mean? One of your own?" Chikako wrinkled her forehead at the anger in Tobirama's question.

"It's true." Naomi spoke from behind them. "I'm Sadao's sister. We came to live with the Hata's when we were young, Atsushi and I fell in love and Sadao stayed because they were such good friends. Takao and I are Uchiha's, even if Takao isn't a full one." She looked at Madara. "You've grown up Madara."

"I'm clan leader now. Takao will be accepted as a full Uchiha, I promise." Madara nodded his greeting at her as he made the offer of protection.

"You should know—" She looked as if she was weighing her words. "He activated the sharingan during the fight a few days ago."

""Then he is a full Uchiha." Madara smiled. "As I said. He and his family will have a place on the Uchiha compound. Does he have a wife?"

"He does," Naomi answered.

"And three boys." Chikako added. "They're at our house resting, Akira is taking care of them."

Tobirama bristled beside Chikako as Madara settled his gaze on her.

"Will you introduce me so I can offer my hospitality?"

"Certainly, Uchiha-sama." She started towards the door.

"I'm coming too." Tobirama rose to join them.

"They were resting when I left. Akira had fed them and helped them clean up." She explained. But when they got there Ai and the boys were up. After introductions Madara explained their Uchiha blood and his desire for the clan to care for them.

Ai agreed that it was what Takao would want and she and the boys left with him.

Maki was sitting at the table. "It makes so much sense now." She was staring at the table as she remembered. "My father hated the Uchiha's. Atsushi was good friends with them. He must have been livid when Atsushi made plans to marry one and make her part of the village. So he used me to prevent it. And now that he's in charge, he wanted them out or dead." She shook her head sadly. "Why can't we all be friends?" She leaned into Shikaya, tears glistening in her eyes.

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