Chapter 18

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Tobirama sipped his tea digesting what Chikako had revealed. No ninja training, no household skills, what had Hata been thinking? What had he prepared Chikako for, other than a ceremonial offering?

The worst was, she wanted to be more than an ornament. It had been obvious when they'd first met and she'd defied her father's orders about not talking to strangers. He'd make it his mission to help her find her purpose.

"Chikako, I had an idea—" he trailed off at a knock on the back door.

At Hashirama's invitation it swung open to reveal Kenta. The younger man met Tobirama's gaze and then glanced at Chikako, his face turning a bright shade of red. "I, uh, I'm here with the overnight report."

"Have a seat, tea?" Mito ushered him to the table.

Kenta sipped the tea Mito poured, smiling at her and then glanced nervously at Tobirama again. "Welcome home, Tobirama."

"Thank you, Kenta. I'd like to introduce you to my wife. Chikako Hata from Iwa."

Kenta choked on his tea, very nearly spitting it out and swallowed it with a grimace. "Welcome to Konoha, Chikako." He dipped his head in greeting.

"Good morning Kenta." Hashirama said. "What is your report? Where there any break-ins last night?"

Tobirama's shoulders sagged. He'd put Kenta in an impossible position. No doubt the young man had guessed now that Tobirama hadn't been alone in the hot spring last night. And he'd asked Kenta not to say anything not realizing he'd be reporting to Hashirama this morning. Hashirama was never going to let him hear the end of this.

"No break-ins to report, except..." his eyes darted to Tobirama.

No matter what he did, he'd be disobeying one of his superiors.

"The only break in was me." Tobirama spoke up. "I broke into the hot spring to wash up."

"Really?" Hashirama chuckled at him and raised an eyebrow, but said nothing else. He looked at Kenta. "I think we can keep this amongst ourselves. What do you think, Kenta?"

"Oh, yes sir! I'd like to offer all of you access to the Yamanaka bathhouse, until you're able to install your own." Kenta's face turned an even deeper shade of red as he avoided both Chikako and Tobirama's eyes. "What happened at the gate this morning?"

Tobirama fidgeted while Hashirama filled Kenta in, wanting to talk to Chikako about ideas he'd had for their household, but not wanting to inform Kenta of her needs at the same time.

Finally, Hashirama finished and Kenta was rising to leave. Tobirama smiled at him and thanked him for doing his job well. But as Kenta pulled the back door open he was nearly bowled over by a much younger ninja.

"Hokage-sama!" The young man came rushing through the door and then hunched over, catching his breath while they waited. "An urgent message has arrived from Sunagakure."

Tobirama frowned. They'd recently made an alliance with the Village in the sand, an urgent message was not good news. He waited as Hashirama broke the seal and read the message, his brother's scowl increasing as he finished it. This wasn't going to be good.

Hashirama was quiet for so long Tobirama almost pulled the scroll out of his hand to read it himself.

"I'm sorry Chikako." Hashirama looked at Chikako before he moved his solemn gaze to Tobirama. "You'll need to assemble a team as quickly as possible. Sunagakure is being attacked and they've requested help routing them."

Blood pounded through Tobirama's head, the rush so loud he couldn't hear anything else. Was this what he'd brought Chikako home to? A never ending list of missions while she languished in the village?

A soft hand tugging on his arm slowed his pulse and he met his brother's eyes with a nod. Duty first.

"Come on Tobirama. You can tell me what to pack for you while you gather your team."

In their room he pulled out items he'd need, letting her lay them on the bed. His heart squeezed, the bed they'd just shared for the first time last night.

The memory of her warmth pressed against his body as her back arched and she'd cried out in pleasure rushed through him.

"Tobirama?" Her sweet voice brought him back to the present. How he wanted to shirk his duty, pull her into his arms and make love to her all day. "It's okay. I knew you were a village leader the day I met you."

What had he done to deserve this sweet woman? How had she adjusted so quickly to a way of life she'd never even known existed?

"I don't know how long this will take. At best it's a three day trip to Suna. Will you be okay?"

"I'm the wife of a ninja now. This is my life. Don't worry about me." She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face in his chest. "I'll be here when you return."

The sweet lavender scent of her drifted up and he buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply. He wanted to keep this memory with him for the rest of his life.

"Now go get your team. Your pack will be ready when you return." She shooed him out of the room with a kiss and a smile.

Tobirama raced through the village gathering the team he wanted with him, wishing he hadn't left Dai in Iwa, but his thoughts were focused on the beautiful woman he would be leaving. And returning to in a few days, gods willing, he reminded himself. 

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