"This is my mother, Maki. She's come to live with me."

Shikaya turned his full attention on Maki and tipped his head to her. "Welcome to Konoha Maki."

"Thank you." Maki returned his greeting with a blush.

"You're Hata's daughter then? I had dealings with him many years ago."

Chikako swallowed the urge to ask how her father had manipulated him.

"Has something happened to him? Is that why your mother is here with you?" His forehead wrinkled with the question.

"I missed her. I'm selfish and I brought her home with me." Chikako laughed nervously, she hadn't counted on people asking why her mother was here. Relief washed over her when he dropped the question.

"Are you touring the village? Or running an errand?"

"We're just out walking. Showing the village to my mother."

"Would you be interested in seeing the Nara herds? We just got them moved into the new forest area."

"I'm afraid I need to head home but you should both go, they're beautiful creatures." Mito sighed.

"I'd love to see them, what about you mother?" Chikako said after saying goodbye to Mito.

All the way across the village they chatted amiably, Shikaya asking about Iwa and their trip here and Maki inquiring about the Nara clan. "I remember my mother and grandmother mentioning Nara medicine when I was a little girl. I never thought I'd meet a Nara." She smiled at him.

At the edge of the forest they leaned on the fence admiring the beauty of the animals that the Nara clan raised and kept for the purpose of their craft. "They are very beautiful, Shikaya, thank you for bringing us here to see them." Maki said.

"You're welcome Maki." His eyes were warm and welcoming as he smiled at her.

"We should head home, it's getting late and I want to help with dinner." Chikako was reluctant to leave.

"I'll walk you home." Shikaya offered each woman an arm to hold as he walked them back to their home. "Will you be living with Chikako and Tobirama, Maki?"

"As long as they don't mind. I have no desire to live alone." She was quiet a moment. "What about you? Do you have a wife?"

"I did, she died several years ago." Sadness laced his words.

"I'm so sorry. Do you live with your children?"

"I'm on my own. We weren't blessed with children. The clan elders have been on me to remarry but I just don't have the heart for it. I imagine time will change that."

Her mother nodded. Chikako stayed quiet, glad to see her mother making friends.

"Well, here we are. Another mission completed for me." He laughed. "I enjoyed the afternoon with you two ladies. May I call again for another walk soon?"

Chikako answered for them. "We'd love that Shikaya. Thank you.

Tobirama was sitting in the living room when they went inside. "I didn't expect to get home first."

"Tobirama! Mito introduced us to Shikaya Nara and he showed us the Nara herds." She let her excitement flow over him and then sobered, realizing she hadn't accomplished what she'd set out to do. "I never did get to find Takao and Kei."

"I invited them to come over after dinner tonight. They're interested in seeing you as well."

Takao and Kei both arrived just as they were finishing dinner. Akira shooed them into the living room to visit, saying she'd take care of clean up.

"How is training going? Are you settling in?" Chikako smiled at both men. She didn't miss Iwa, but it felt good to spend time with people she'd known all her life.

"It's going well. I'm looking forward to returning to Iwa and sharing what I've learned." Takao said.

Kei agreed. "Of course I miss Momo but I know she's in good hands with her family and this training will be helpful."

"Mother, Momo's going to have a baby while Kei is here. I wonder what she'll have?" Chikako said.

"As long as it's healthy and Momo is too then it won't matter." Kei said.

"You'll have to send word when you know, Kei. I want to know they are well too." Chikako smiled at him.

Later that night, when the men had left and everyone had gone to bed, Chikako lay in Tobirama's arms enjoying his warmth and strength. They'd visited with Takao and Kei for a long time before the men rose to leave saying they needed to be well rested in the morning.

"I think my mother enjoyed herself today. Shikaya has met my father and strange as it may seem I think that helped her feel a little less alone."

"I'm glad." Tobirama rolled up to look at her, yawning as he did.

"Go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." She pushed him back down on his back and snuggled into his shoulder. They were both asleep in minutes.

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