9. The Pawn

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Death and destruction has laid the foundation of a carpeted flooring on the debacle mess of the mercurial concrete fortress that hosts my soul. A debilitating wolf, a brutally aggressive thrashed wolf, but ravenously murderous and relentlessly unforgiving regardless, captured in that solitude.

There is a pattern with violence, but there is no pattern with impetuous madness, carefully crafted over years with well-accepted torment. The light in life is overrated. The man that I am today, was forged with brutal hits in the deep depths of a night. The devil was ingrained in my very soul, and he is incarcerated in those pitch black columns, battling to emancipate and run rampage.

My vision zeroes in on the thick train of blood slowly creeping out of the hole punctured on his temple. All the things in my peripheral leisurely blurs as I exhale and the motions slow down, drowning out the sounds for me. A static sound fills my eardrums and my eyes fixate on the blood as it slowly angles in an oval and eventually progresses down and down and down, between his eyes. The ragged, almost round bullet hole on front protruding out and the dark hollow that the bullet left. His brain scattered on the walls, out of his blasted skull with the squelching sound, blood still pouring out from his bashed head. His glossy, half-lidded eyes emanate the loss of life and the parted lips...

"Alek!" Gio nudges me towards the emergency window and we trot out of the room with the raging alarm. Taking hurried strides down the metal stairs while tucking our guns on our backs, we turn on the opposite side of the alley to merge on the next main road and keep walking while Gio directs Lan our location on the phone. The blaring siren of police cars echo in distance as we reach the end of the street and the Karlman screeches in front of us.

Gio rounds the car, switching with Lan as he settles on the driver side and I settle on the front passenger seat.

"Ora questo prolunga la visita."(Now that extends the visit) He prompts as the car speeds out of the neighborhood.

"E merita una chiamata da mio fratello."(And warrants a call from my brother) I wonder what Arthur will have to say about two of his mischievous retards mysteriously ending up with bullets in their heads. Same day I am in town.

"Almeno a questo mancano i nostri proiettili"(At least this one lacks our bullets) Gio turns to check on the kid, "Potremmo partire proprio adesso"(We could fly out right now), he tilts his head slightly shrugging.

"Let's drive back to the chalet. Have Santos' men pick up the boy and poi uccidi il problema di Torres nel seminterrato"(then murder off Torres' problem in the basement), turning to Gio, "Manda un messaggio a Manny per cancellare immediatamente il filmato di noi che lasciamo l'hotel" (Text Manny to scrub the footage of us leaving the hotel, immediately)

"On it, already" I Humm in acknowledgement. "You lost me a little there", I narrow my eyes at his comment while he keeps his eyes on the road, I hold my hand out to Lan for the bottle sitting at the console in the back and he places it in my hands seconds later. "Assassinare le scorte del seminterrato?" (Murdering the basement stock?)

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