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When Cayden woke up he was in his bed. He had no memory of getting there or ever unfreezing time. He gave out a small sigh before pushing back the covers and getting out of bed. Just as he was about to enter the bathroom to take a shower he got a glimpse of the time which read 4:30pm. Sluggishly he walked in to the bathroom and took a quick hot shower before walking down to the lab to see his father. When he got down to the lab he knew that something wasn't right, it was completely dark except for one room. He had a hunch that it was the room Vera or Mars was in. Part of him was curious to see what was going on in there but part of him knew better. After standing along in silence for a few seconds he made up his mind. Slowly he crept up to the door and sat down outside, putting his ear up to the door he tried to make out what they were saying.


When Vera woke up she thought she was trapped in a dream or some how deja-vu had taken over her. The room she was in was completely white except for the cold metal table in the center of the room that she was tied down upon. Also she felt extremely vulnerable because she was only wearing the black lace bra and black underwear that she had put on that day. It hit her that she didn't know where Mars was. She remembered being with Mars at a diner but everything after that was black. Vera wanted to scream and cry like a little kid, it took every nerve in her body not to. She kept telling herself that it would be okay and she would survive what ever she had to go through. As the door to the room she was being held captive open she almost threw up it was Asher. Of course it was who else would it be.

"Ah Vera we meet again." He said grinning as he walked into the room closing the door behind him.

"Get away from me you sick son of a bitch." Growled Vera trying to sound tough.

"I don't think that that would be possible at the moment." Continued Asher as he neared where she was trapped.

"How did you find me." Questioned Vera.

"Well it wasn't hard, I have eyes all over." He shrugged.

"If you're going to kill me then you might as well tell me who brought me here." 

"Stupid girl, why would I kill you when there is so much to learn about your species." Explained Asher.

"At least last time I was here I actually had something to wear." Muttered Vera.

"Ah apologize it was not my idea." He shrugged again.

Vera truly wished for something to cover herself up in. It really didn't help that the room she was in was freezing. Her whole body shivered.

"My apologize give me a second."  He said as he walk towards to door. For a second she thought he would leave but then she saw him open the door and stay still. But then she saw Cayden sitting outside of the door.

"Cayden run!" Screamed the helpless girl. But all he did was stand there and stare at her before he turned his head.

"Now what have I taught you about ease dropping." Asher said as he was shacking his head.

"It is rude." He replied staring Asher dead in his eyes.

"Go upstairs and I will punish you when I am done with your little friend." Asher said calm and quietly.

"Get out of here! Save yourself." Screamed Vera again.

"Quiet Bitch." Asher roared back at her. Once he closed the door Asher turned and walked back over to her. "I thought you had better manners." Growled Asher as he punched her square in the eye. Vera let out a groan of pain. "I expect you to not interrupt me again."

'Over my dead body.'  Vera thought as she watched Asher leave the room.


Cayden knew it was a mistake trying to figure out what they were saying. As he walked up the stairs into his fathers office. He knew what was coming, he sat down in a leather chair in front of his desk. He knew it would be a while till his father came into his office. All he could do to pass the time was think. The guilt was eating him alive. He regretted letting his father know where they were. He knew that they would be better off dead then be here. Even thought they didn't know that he was the one who brought them here they would find out soon enough and they would never forgive him. Who was he kidding if he was in their shoes he wouldn't forgive himself either. Cayden wasn't quiet sure how much time had past when his father walked into the room. he noticed that he had blood on his hand and Cayden was almost certain that it wasn't his.

"Stand." Asher said quietly.

Cayden knew better then to not obey. He swiftly stood up and looked at his father. He was about the same height has him. He saw his father take off his belt and fold it up. Then he felt the first crack of the belt on his lower back. Then he felt more pain and heard more cracks. After thirty his father left the room leaving Cayden alone. Silently Cayden limped back upstairs to his room where he collapsed on his bed. He silently cried and prayed that Vera and Mars would be okay.


When Mars woke up she was chained to a wall. Completely alone in a plain white room. She had no memories of getting there which was strange. Her skin was covered in bruises and she was sore all over. Just when she was about to dose back off to sleep the door opened and in stepped a tall pale woman with silky blonde hair. The woman was holding something in her hand that Mars couldn't make out.

"This is going to hurt a lot." The woman said in a bored tone as she injected a milky looking substance into the veins in Mars's hand.

In Mars opinion it hurt like hell.    


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