Times change

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Sleeping was out of the question for Vera. After having to go through being electrocuted and being wanted dead by someone she didn't even know. Part of Vera wondered what her family was doing right now. Were they looking for her franticly? Were they happy she was finally gone? What did they all make of this.

At home Vera had a complicated relationship with her family. They feed her and put a roof over her head but she always felt like they weren't telling her something. Most of the time they would ignore her except for her older sister Lyris. Lyris was eight-teen years old but she and Vera were very close. Lyris was more like a mother to Vera then their actual mother was. Lyris was tall with pale blue eyes and long auburn hair. Which always seemed strange to Vera how much Lyris looked like her father. While with Vera's ivory hair and bright green eyes and pale skin. Vera didn't look like anyone in her family which she never really cared about until now.

Vera buried her face in the soft pillow on the cot and just tried to focus on good memories, such as the time when her family took a trip down California and everything felt like it was going to be alright. She was very fond of this memory because at that time in her life she felt whole like she had everything she needed in her life. Vera was fourteen at the time and Lyris sixteen almost seventeen. It was an earlier birthday present for Lyris that they had all planed.

It felt like nothing could go wrong on that vacation. Everybody was in high spirits in California. Vera and Lyris went shopping and swimming it was so much fun.

But now Vera didn't even know if her family was still alive. Which the thought of that made her feel like she was going to throw up. Slowly reaching up to fix her amulet around her neck she felt that it wasn't there. Waves of fear hit her. How could she lose such a preciouses thing. She couldn't remember the last time she took it off. All of her life it was the one thing that made her feel safe.

It probably came off in all of the chaos that happened at school. She felt burning tears fill her eyes as she tried to fall asleep. Pain still filled her body but now she felt anger starting to take over. If she ever got out of this hell hole she would make them all pay. Vera jumped out off of the cot and onto the floor slowly walking over to the metal door. Of course she knew that it would be locked who would be stupid enough to leave the door to a prison cell unlocked. She definitely didn't take Asher to be a stupid man.

As she carefully placed her hand on the door handle she immediately pulled her hand back and cried out in pain. But Vera was not one to quit so she tried to open the locked door only to feel even more pain in her hand. Maybe if she couldn't use the handle she could try kicking the door. At this point she was now desperate to get out of the cell, it was making her feel sick to just be in the room. Vera slowly backed up so she could get a running start. With a burst of speed she took off but when she was two feet away from the door, the door swung open causing Vera to run into the guard and fall on top of him. It was probably one of her biggest all time low moments.

"What the hell?" Barked the guard as he shoved Vera off of him.

With a small groan of pain from the impact Vera curled up in a ball and closed her eyes not wanting to know what was coming next.

"Now miss Hale what were you doing up out of bed?" Asher asked.

"Getting away from your ugly ass." Mumbled Vera which happened to have been loud enough for Asher to hear since to next thing she felt was his hand smack her face.

The pain didn't bother Vera any more it just made her angrier.

"That was a mistake." Growled Asher.

Vera made a mental note that Asher had a bad temper and got the best of him which could be something she could use against him.

"lets get on with what I came here to do originally." Asher said sounding bored.

One guard dragged Vera over to her cot and handcuffed her to the metal part of the bed.

"I am here to ask you some questions." Asher snapped at Vera.

"Were the handcuffs necessary." Vera said rolling her eyes.

"I don't see why not." He replied. "Lets get to question one, how old are you?"

"I'm fifteen, also I thought you knew that I mean come on can you just leave already!" Vera exclaimed.

Asher ignored her as he scribbled down something on a note pad. Before he began to ask her more questions.

"Do you know what you are."

"Yes, I am a normal human being with a normal life." Vera informed.

Asher looked like he was going to hit her again but something then a loud crash rang out through the building.

Without saying another word Asher left the room which left Vera alone with the two guards that came with Asher. In Vera's opinion it was very awkward.

Then out of no where a burst of wind came and a girl appeared. The guards seemed to be oblivious to her. Vera watched her carefully as she pulled out what looked like a stopwatch and placed it on the ground and typed in a number on it. Vera's first thought was that she was going to kill her but then what she did next shocked Vera. The dark olive skin girl ran over to where Vera was handcuffed to the bed and placed something on her neck.

"I'm here to help you." She said with a crisp voice as she broke the handcuff.

What ever the girl but on her neck was making her lose conciseness. Then Vera slowly slipped into a peaceful sleep as she felt wind in her face.

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