Where it all begins

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Staring blankly down at her math test, Vera tried to think of what they had been working on in class but it couldn't come to her mind. Giving out a quiet sigh of frustration she put down her pencil and leaned back in the hard blue chair she was seated in. Life would have been easier if she was born good at math. Vera Swiftly turned her head to looking around the room seeing that everybody was hard at work.

Picking up her pencil again while tying back her soft ivory hair. Once again trying to figure out the first problem but jut getting frustrated with her own thoughts again. Just as she was going to get up and re fill her water bottle the clear the halls drill wrung, letting out another sigh of frustration she set her dark blue water bottle down and slowly made her way over to the corner where her other class mates were seated. Vera didn't really mind clear the halls drills now that she thought about it, it was a good way to kill boring class time. Around 10 minuets of quietly sitting on the hard dirty dark green carpet she heard a noise that she would never forget in her life. The unmistakable sound of a gun shot.

It felt like her heart had stopped beating for a few seconds. A girl sitting next to her gave a small shriek of fear. The another gun shot rang out but this one sounded closer then before. This couldn't be right. The small town of Troy New York was peaceful, nothing interesting ever happened besides the occasional break in it was a nice town. The static sound of a mans voice on a walkie-talkie came from outside the thick wooden door. A rough voice said into the walkie-talkie

"The stupid girl could be anywhere. We need to keep her alive and bring her back with us, only shoot at males who try to escape but other then that we don't want to cause much of a scene the police will be here soon." The man said in a low dangerous tone that made the hairs on the back of Vera's neck stand up.

That meant they were looking for a girl but they most likely wouldn't shoot. Vera reached into her back pocket to pull out her phone and text her parents what was happening, just as the clicking of the locked door handle moving filed the silent room. Then the bang of something heavy hitting the door. Vera pulled her legs to her chest and silently prayed that she would survive. Just then the door fell down with a crash.

In the door frame stood a tall muscular man. A long scratch ran across his check. He had light grey hair that made his light blue eyes stand out. The untrustworthy man had light skin that was covered gashes and bruise. An evil smile that made Vera cringe ran across his face. Then he finally spoke with the same rough voice before.

"I'm going to make this a lot easier for all of us now." Grinned the man as he puled out a medium size glass bottle with a spray top on it. "It would be best if you all didn't scream or try to run but I have my orders."

"You can't do this to us!" Yelled her math teacher Mr.Lewis.

"Do you think that you can stop me?" The man said as he raise his gun and shot it into her math teachers head before he even got the chance to reply.

It was like her voice had disappeared since nothing came out as she tried to scream. The room broke out in utter chaos. Before anyone had the chance to run the man lifted the bottle and sprayed the room. The last thing Vera saw before she blacked out was the man lifting the gun at a young male student and shooting him directly in the heart.

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