The painful past

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Vera felt like she had been hit in the face with a doge ball. She knew that Asher was looking for her but she didn't think that it would put everybody eles in danger. Part of Vera couldn't help but feel like if she hadn't have been found maybe they would all be okay. But she quickly pushed the thought out of her mind.

"What kind of danger could he be putting us in?" Vera chimed in.

"I'm not quiet sure yet but I know that he has found a way using a timechangers blood to put their ability into his own blood and use it." Answered Neema.

"How is that even possible?" Cried Vera with frustration.

"We don't know yet but all of us are trying to find out." Said Neema as she began to pace around the room. "The best thing we can do is stand our ground and fight."

Cayden and Mars exchanged worried looks at each other.

"I suggest that the three of you should go back to your house in the main land, don't be afraid to fight." Neema said again.

With that Mars and Cayden shuffled Vera out of the room. Vera's head was spinning with everything that happened. Part of her felt like this was almost unreal but the other part of her felt like this was two real.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Mars.

"You heard Neema. I guess we go back to the mainland and try not to get killed." Said Cayden grimly.

"Woah, but I only just got here! I want to explore and know its history! I don't want to go back just yet." Exclaimed Vera.

"But you heard Neema! It isn't safe here we must go back to where we know we will be safe for now." Snapped Mars at Vera. 

Vera knew that Mars was right. The trio waked out of the palace and back to where they originally came from. This time Mars made the portal and Vera was the one to close it. When they were back in the cozy house Vera decided it was best if she got to know Mars and Cayden better if she was now going to be living with them.

"So how long have you known each other for?" Asked Vera as the three of them plopped down on the couch.

"We both have very different pasts and life styles. But we both met each other on the day that we were suppose to die." Answered Cayden.

"What are you talking about?" Wondered Vera.

"Its along story are you sure you want to here it?" Responded Cayden with a smirk on his face.

"Trust me I've got time." Grinned Vera.

"We were both born on Lubara, my life was alright but I can't say the same for Mars." He said while giving Mars a sympathetic glance before he continued telling his story. "I grew up wanting to help our race thrive instead of dying out like it is now. I never thought about the danger in the things I was doing. I would often sneak off while everybody was asleep and explore earth. I always found it fantasizing the way humans went through their lives. It wasn't until one night around five years ago that I realized the danger. I was eleven at the time, I created a portal to earth like I had done every other night. While I was walking around the busy streets of London I didn't know that someone had watched me come out of a portal in an alley. It wasn't until I felt something hard hit me in the back of my head then everything went black." Cayden took a small pause before continuing.

"I woke up in a pitch black room. All I remember was feeling a needle in the side of my neck before I began to hallucinate. I saw things like my family being killed, I saw myself getting killed. I felt things that weren't there either. All I could do was scream at nothing. When the hallucination drug finally wore off I saw a man that looked like he just turned twenty. That was when he told me his name was Asher and he was going to kill me. It was strange because I didn't do anything to him but now I have this man who wants me dead. After he said that someone dragged me into a room where I saw a girl who looked to be my age. The next thing I know I have a gun pointed to my head. Just as the man was going to pull the trigger my older brother transported in and took the bullet that was meant for me. I didn't have any time to think about what was happening so I just grabbed Mars hand and went through the portal and closed it immediately. It was the worst day of my life, after that Mars lived with my family until Neema asked us if we wanted to help find more timechangers. That's how I'm here." Finished Cayden as he brushed his black hair out of his face.

"How about you Mars." Asked Vera as he poked Mars in the arm.

Mars gave a small sigh before she sat up and looked at Vera and Cayden.

"Alright since you seem so curious, I don't remember my family. I grew up in an orphanage. It was in awful condition but it was better then the family I got adopted to when I was ten years old. The couple that adopted me treated me like a wild animal. I was like their maid and when ever I did something wrong I would have to pay for it. Such as being beaten when it was over such a small thing like a broken dish. I was only there for about a year until I knew I had to leave. I created a portal to nowhere particular and ended up in a dark alley in the middle of the night on earth. I made sure that there was no trace of me when I left so my 'parents' wouldn't try to look for me. I wandered the streets of cities and scavenged for food when it was possible. I created portals to different places all over the worlds. I couldn't help it I had a gift and I was a curious eleven year old girl who wanted to start a new life. It wasn't until someone found me curled up sleeping in an alley that I woke up inside an orphanage filled with human children. Asher came into the orphanage and took one look at me and he knew what I was. Lets just say he brought me back to one of his labs and nearly killed me which is where I met Cayden." Summarized Mars.

"Wow." Which was the only thing Vera had managed to say.

"I say we find Asher and make him pay for all the awful things he has done to us and our race with his life." Muttered Cayden under his breath.

"Even though Asher's getting stronger he has to have a weak spot." Explained Vera. "I say we make a plan to bring him and his company down."

"I agree with you but how are we suppose to take him down." Questioned Cayden.

"I have an idea." Piped in Mars with an evil grin plastered across her face.




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