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"He is my brother," I whispered

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"He is my brother," I whispered.

His laughter filled the room, a bitter sound that pierced through the air and stabbed at my heart. I watched him, my own emotions tangled in a web of hurt and frustration.

"You expect me to believe that?" he scoffed, his laughter dripping with disbelief. His eyes bore into mine, filled with a mix of anger and betrayal that sent shivers down my spine.

"It's the truth," I whispered, my voice barely audible above his mocking laughter. "I would never lie to you about something like this."

But he continued to laugh, his scorn cutting through me like a knife. "You're unbelievable," he spat out, his tone laced with disdain. "You think you can just deceive me like this and expect me to believe you?"

Tears stung my eyes as I grappled with the overwhelming sense of rejection. I had bared my soul to him, only to be met with disbelief and scorn. It felt like the ground had been pulled out from beneath me, leaving me stranded in a sea of doubt and despair.

The words pierced through me like daggers, each one carrying the weight of his disbelief and anger. "You don't believe me, do you?" I whispered, my voice trembling with hurt and frustration.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" he retorted, his tone laced with bitterness. "You are single child, Shivaleeka. You want me to believe this disgusting lie of yours? You know what marrying you is the biggest mistake of my life."


The word "mistake" pierced through my heart like a jagged knife, reopening old wounds and deepening the ache within me. It echoed in my mind, resonating with the painful memories of the past. The most important men in my life had all seen me as a mistake – first my father, and now my husband.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I grappled with the weight of his words. Was I truly nothing more than a burden, a regret that lingered in the hearts of those I loved? The thought gnawed at me, tearing down the fragile walls I had built around my emotions.

But amidst the anguish, a spark of defiance ignited within me. No matter how many times I was told I was a mistake, I refused to believe it. I was more than the sum of others' opinions, more than the labels they placed upon me. And as I stood before him, I vowed to prove him wrong – to show him that I was worthy of love, of respect, and of being seen as more than just a mistake.

"Mistake? That's what I am, right?" The words escaped my lips, laden with hurt and bitterness. "Don't worry, Mr. Knight. You don't have to live with this mistake. You are free from it."

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I pushed him away, a surge of defiance coursing through me. His eyes softened for a fleeting moment, a brief flicker of emotion before his expression hardened once more.

Gathering my belongings, I moved decisively toward the door. "You know, Mr. Knight, some relations are greater than blood; this is one of them," I asserted, the weight of truth evident in my words. A flicker of realization crossed his face, guilt shadowing his eyes.

"Baby, I..." he began, his voice pleading for understanding, but I couldn't bear to hear more excuses. "Thank you for showing so much trust in me," I interrupted firmly, my resolve unwavering. With that, I swung the door shut behind me, cutting off any further attempts at reconciliation.

"Fuck." The sound of something breaking echoed behind me, followed by heavy footsteps hurrying in my direction. "Shivaleeka, wait, please," his voice pleaded, his hand grasping my elbow from behind, halting my steps.

I yanked my hand from his grasp, the anger boiling inside me. "Don't you dare touch me, Alexander fucking Knight."

"I know I misunderstood you..." he began, but I cut him off sharply.

"I want to be alone for some time. And don't come after me." With that, I turned away to leave, his strong grip on my waist pulled me back, pressing me against his chest. I could feel the heat radiating from him, his breath warm against my neck.

"You can't run away from me, little tigress," he whispered in my ear, his voice a seductive blend of command and desire.

"I can and I will," I retorted, attempting to break free from his grasp, but his hold on me remained steadfast. His closeness sent shivers down my spine. "Only because I am allowing you to," he murmured, and with those words, he released his grip on me.

As his words hung in the air, I narrowed my eyes at him, refusing to show any sign of weakness. "You don't get to decide what I do," I asserted firmly, my voice carrying an edge of defiance. "I am not some possession to be controlled or allowed to do anything. I make my own choices, and right now, I choose to walk away from you." With that, I pulled away from him, his touch no longer welcome.

I stormed out of the room, frustration and anger boiling within me, I couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal. How could he accuse me of such things? The hurtful words echoed in my mind, fueling my resolve to stand firm and not compromise my self-respect as I made my way to the garage, my footsteps quick and determined. I needed space to clear my head, to distance myself from the chaos of emotions swirling inside me.

Reaching my car, I slid into the driver's seat and slammed the door shut, the sound echoing in the empty garage. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I started the engine and peeled out of the driveway, leaving behind the turmoil of our argument.

I drove through the night, the cool air rushing through the open windows, I focused on the road ahead, determined to find solace in the solitude of the night. With each passing mile, the tension in my shoulders began to ease, replaced by a sense of freedom and clarity.

I knew where I needed to go, where I could find the solace and understanding that had eluded me for so long. It wasn't about running away; it was about finding a place where I belonged, where I was accepted without question.

They would never consider me a mistake. They had always been there for me, offering unwavering support and love. And now, as I navigated the winding roads with a sense of purpose, I knew that their embrace awaited me—a sanctuary from the chaos of the world, where I could truly be myself.

As my car came to a halt at the gates of the familiar mansion, the guards recognized me immediately and swiftly opened the gates with a respectful bow. "Principessa," one of them greeted me as I stepped out of the car, acknowledging their gesture with a nod of gratitude. I handed the keys to one of the guards, trusting them to take care of the vehicle, and made my way towards the entrance of the mansion.

I entered the mansion, the grandeur of its halls and the memories it held washing over me. Despite the turmoil in my heart, being back here brought a sense of familiarity and comfort. I made my way through the corridors, guided by the soft glow of the lamps, until I reached the heart of the mansion—the living room.

Feeling a sense of relief wash over me, I hurried towards the familiar figure waiting for me. The guards must have informed him of my arrival, and without a moment's hesitation, I found myself wrapped in his embrace. It was a familiar warmth, a comforting presence that I had missed dearly.


1304 words 

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