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And as we stood there, forehead to forehead, I whispered, "I will try, Mr

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And as we stood there, forehead to forehead, I whispered, "I will try, Mr. Knight."

The sound of the applause from the guests jarred me back to the reality of my forced marriage, reminding me of the constraints that bound me. I felt a pang of sadness, realizing that my words held a glimmer of false hope. Deep down, I knew that my willingness to try didn't change the fact that this marriage was thrust upon me against my will.

The weight of his reputation as a killer, a person who took lives without remorse, bore down heavily on me. The thought of spending my life with a man whose hands were stained with blood sent shivers down my spine. 

 I made a silent promise to myself. I would find a way out of this forced wedding, no matter the risks or consequences. I would reclaim my freedom and forge my own path, away from the danger and darkness that Alexander embodied.

As the applause faded into the background, I took a deep breath, steadying myself. The expressions in the crowd varied, each reflecting a different fact of this forced wedding.

Rose, Alexander's mother, wore a wide grin, seemingly delighted by the union. It was a stark contrast to the sadness that tinged the eyes of Tessa and Tanisha.

Alexander's father and brother maintained their stoic, unyielding personas, their faces void of any emotion. It was as if they were unaffected by the proceedings, their hardened exteriors concealing the complexities of their own thoughts.

And then, there was my uncle, whose expression betrayed annoyance and dissatisfaction. 

As we made our way towards our family, his mother was literally bouncing on her feet with excitement. "OMG!! My babies are married," she exclaimed, her joy evident as she imagined a picture-perfect union. Little did she know the truth behind this forced wedding, that her son had merely bought himself a bride.

Her innocent question about the absence of a kiss caught me off guard, and my heart clenched with tension. I glanced at Tessa and Tanisha, and their pale expressions revealed that they were well aware of the complexities surrounding our marriage. They knew the truth, the facade that we maintained for the world.

Alexander's response, delivered with a calm demeanor, only added to the charade. "She is not comfortable with public displays of affection," he stated, giving a plausible explanation for the absence of any physical intimacy between us. It was a calculated move, a way to quell any suspicions and maintain the illusion of a happy marriage.

Suddenly the ringing of my phone caught our attention, I took my phone from Tanisha, raising an eyebrow in question. "It's him," she said softly, her expression sympathetic. She knew the turmoil that call would bring, the memories it would resurface. My heart skipped a beat, knowing it was him—the man I always cared deeply about.

I excused myself from the crowd and moved away to answer the call. My voice was barely a whisper as I said, "Hey." upon answering.

"Principessa." His voice, like a bittersweet melody, reached my ears, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

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