Start from the beginning

I went towards my wardrobe and opened my luggage I picked one of my hot dress I always wanna wear but I never wore coz my parents are strict . Now it's time to make my husband jealous . Get ready Mr.Husband . I smirked .

I slowly walked towards the beach I saw that foreigner in the beach staring at my husband and trying to seduce him

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I slowly walked towards the beach I saw that foreigner in the beach staring at my husband and trying to seduce him . Ruhaan wasn't looking at her I think I need to teach her a lesson I thought and she started moving towards my husband and I saw she went towards my husband and started touching him . What !! Why isn't he stopping her ? Did he just laugh ? Ruhaan now I'm gonna teach you a lesson .


Our night awesome , my sweetheart is mine forever mine . I will lock her in my arms forever and ever . I know she was so tired so , I stopped and I can see her hymen was tore and there was blood . I quickly picked her in my arms and went into the bathroom I put her in bathtub and cleaned her . She didn't spoke anything I can feel she is so sleepy , I filled the tub with warm water and made her rest for sometime so that her thighs won't get sore .

Our morning was so pleasant and we had a good kiss , she went to take a bath but I wanna tease her I told her let's take a bath together but she said No and I'm not gonna stop just by bathing . I chuckled and told her to take a shower . She smiled and left .

Well I saw our room was so messy , so I called the house keeper to clean the room and I too went into another bathroom and I got freshup .

I saw my sweetheart is not in her room , I left a note beside our bed " Come to beach we will do fishing " .

I went out and a French women approached me she was wearing bikini and she is trying to flirt with me I tried to ignore her but she spoke " es-tu célibataire, monsieur, beau "

( Translation : Are you single Mr handsome )

Well I know French . I smirked and spoke " Non, je suis avec ma femme "

( Translation : No I'm with my wife )

She sighed in disappointment and went into the beach I ignored her and I started fishing waiting for my sweetheart .

Suddenly the same foreigner came to me again she put her hand on my chest and spoke " pourquoi tu ne m'essayes pas "

( Translation : why don't you try me ? )

I removed her hand from me and spoke in my cold serious tone " Je suis marié, n'ose pas franchir la ligne " .

( Translation : Miss I'm married don't you dare cross the line )

She looked angry which I completely ignored and she left . Just then I saw my sweetheart , what ! What is she wearing ? She is looking too hot 🔥 . She removed her strug , relaxed her body stretching her arms . Just then a guy came towards her and he is talking with my sweetheart . What ! How dare he touch her cheeks ! My anger is hitting my nerves and why my sweetheart is not avoiding him ? Why is she smiling !! Did she just hugged him ? I took the crab I caught and moved towards them I throwed the crab at his feet .

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