X in Exes

411 23 16

Yuu: " This way to Tanigo-san's office, Sugar-sama."

" M-Mhm... Okay..."

My manager, Yuu, was currently escorting me to Yagoo's office while I walked beside him all bashful and jittery. Knowing I wasn't used to wearing heels, he suggested I hold onto his arm for balance until I eventually got used to it.

The idea of clinging to a man was already embarrassing enough for me, evident in how nervous and fidgety I was the entire time we walked together; I still didn't hesitate to take his offer regardless... odd.

Yuu: " You're shaking a bit, Sugar-sama." he turned to me looking a bit concerned, " Are you nervous about today?"

" I- I guess so, yeah..." I frantically nodded.

Vice: ' Liar, Goshujin~! You're not nervous about today at all! You're just being a maiden in distress in front of her Prince~~~!!"

I could hear Vice both giggling in amusement from behind.

' ...I've already fully accepted the possibility of me being gay. This doesn't come as a surprise to me anymore.'

Vice: ' Like I said, it's not like that! You're a woman who's smitten by a man; that's 100% straight!'

Yuu: " Well, as your manager, I'll do my best to aid you in any possible way."

As he said this, he stopped walking when we were finally in front of Yagoo's office. Before opening the door, he offers me his hand while gesturing a calm, reassuring smile.

Yuu: " It's normal to be nervous on your first day, but we're in this together."




' He's so cool...'

Yet again, I felt my chest burning with my heart racing in excitement. I had to squeeze my chest as tight as I could just to stop myself from popping; just being with that man was purely excruciating.

" Thank you..." with a coy smile, I take his hand. " Let's go..."


" Hehh?!? My debut is today?!"

Yagoo: " According to our schedule, yes. It has been two weeks since we posted your debut announcement after all."

' Are you serious...? How did I not know any of these?!'

Vice: ' You did. You were just too busy with your sessions with Okayu-senpai that you forgot.'

' You could've at least reminded me?! I thought we were only doing a meeting today!'

Yagoo: " Considering how much you tweeted about your debut on Twitter, I wouldn't expect you to suddenly forget, Sugar-sama."

' ...I have a Twitter account?'

Vice: ' They made one for you. It was Okayu-senpai who was making all the tweets for you though...'

Yuu: " Yep! Sugar-sama's first tweet alone accumulated 132 thousand hearts! They're all excited to see you stream today!"

' Now I'm curious what the tweet Okayu-chan made was...'

Yagoo: " It's nice to see you dressed for the occasion; your debut starts four hours from now so use the time to prepare yourself." Yagoo said with a huge beam.

" O-Oh, okay... but I'm going to need all the help I could get..."

Yagoo: " No problem! Nekomata Okayu volunteered to assist you with your first time streaming. With her beside you during your debut, there shouldn't be any issues you'd need to worry about." he nodded.

Hololive's Sugar Idol [Hololive x fem/male reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu