Him and his Vice.

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Three years ago...

In the heated weather in the place of Japan, a normal person craves a lick of an iced beverage. Though in my case, a tasteful scoop of limited charcoal ice cream is what I was truly craving for; so limited in fact that it was only on stock on that particular day. It was on that day when I was in a complete rush to purchase the ice cream that I had to cancel my stream just for it. 

' It's probably out of stock by now though... no harm in trying, I suppose.'

In that state of a rush I was in was how I met him. The person in question was timidly scratching his head while trying to comprehend what was imprinted on the map on his phone. I could hear him grunting every time he glanced at his phone and his surroundings in haste.   

' A tourist... It's not wise for him to traverse his way here without a guide...'

At first, I was skeptical about whether to continue running or to stop and offer my help to the poor tourist; I mean, we're talking about a limited-time Ice cream here. For all you know, a minute late was enough to completely throw me out of the loop.

In the end, my conscience got the better hold of me and I decided to offer him a hand.

" Need help?" I stand next to him before looking straight at the phone he was holding. " Where you heading to?"

I could feel the man tense up when I stood next to him, even having both our shoulders caress each other as a result. I do admit that I came in strong, so I couldn't make fun of him for being nervous around a woman. 

Him: " Oh..." He jolted his head in my direction in surprise; seeing how I was so close to him stunned him for a couple of seconds before he could release another breath. " I heard about a limited ice cream sold here in Japan. I'm hoping you could help me out here..." he sighed in distress. 

' Oh... Well, this makes things easier.'

I pulled him by his arm abruptly and started running with the stranger I just met. I felt sudden resistance from his grip, but he didn't try to question my actions and stop me; he already knew back then that I was leading him to the place where he wanted to go.

" I'm also heading there myself; come with me."

Him: " Right... I appreciate the help." 

Hand in hand, we ran as fast as we could to our destination. I didn't think too much about it back then, but I shouldn't have just suddenly grabbed a stranger's hand without warning. For all I know, he might've had a girlfriend back then and wouldn't want a random girl to touch him...

Well, thank God he didn't have one...

Ten minutes later...

" What do you mean there's only one limited charcoal ice cream left?!?! I stopped my activities just for this alone, you know?!?!" 

Even though we arrived at the store much earlier than I anticipated, they were only left with a single cup of ice cream left in stock. Apparently, a lot of the consumers camped at the store before it even opened; of course, they would be out of stock on short notice.

Him: " This is unfortunate..." 

Woman: " I do apologize for the inconvenience." the woman bowed her head to apologize. A taint of stress was heard from her voice; probably due to other customers who also complained like me.

" We're lucky enough to still have one in stock, regardless. Not like that matters now." I sighed in full dejection. As I turned to the man next to me, I slid him the last ice cream they had. A tint of regret scorched throughout my body when I offered the food away. 

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