Birth of a new Idol

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" Owieeeeee~~!! M-My nipples! sob... It hurtssssss!!"

Vice: ' It seems like your chest is chafing against your dress, Goshujin. The female chest is much more sensitive compared to a man after all.'

" U-Ugh..." - I sob in pain, feeling my chest with both my hands while walking in discomfort. - " Oww...."

' So that's why my sister still wears a bra even though she's flat as a board...'

Vice: ' Look who's talking...'

We are now currently inside a well-known mall in the city I'm in. Just a couple of minutes after leaving my apartment, I began to feel an aching discomfort in my chest area. Every time it grazes the fabric of the dress I'm wearing, it sends an aggravating shock all over my body.

Vice: ' You should certainly buy yourself undergarments while we're still here at the mall.'

' I don't need to. I won't be staying as a girl for too long.'

I stopped walking when I finally reached my destination. What's in front of us right now is a huge stadium with different kinds of performers doing their thing on stage. The place itself packs a great amount of bystanders, watching things go down just to pass time.

Vice: ' Wow, this stadium is quite something.'

' The only problem now is how I could get myself up there...'

I cautiously observed my surroundings to find my bearings; it didn't take me long to notice a long line just beside the stage, the ones falling in line were people carrying instruments with them.

' Ugh... are you serious? I need to wait in line for my turn?'

Vice: ' Better go now while you still can, Goshujin.'

In a huge attempt to not lose my patience, I grumpily marched my way to the end of the line. People who were ahead of me in line occasionally glanced behind to stare at me; it seemed like they noticed how grumpy I looked considering I was constantly clicking my tongue while crossed arms. Most of them were just either concerned or nervous about my actions.

' All this work just to get my body back. If only I could sue the Gods that brought me into this mess.'

Vice: ' ......Does your nipples really hurt that bad?'

" HAH?! What are you looking at?!" - I glared at the person in front of me who kept sneaking glances at me.

Guy: " A-Ah, I-It's nothing, miss! Forgive me!" - He immediately looks straight ahead in fear.

' Damn pervert.'

Half an hour later...

' How have we been here for almost an hour but the line barely moved an inch?!'

At that point of undescribable frustration and discomfort, I had an huge urge to just crash the stage uninvited and perform my song to get things over with. Vice has been the only one who kept me from losing control all this time.

Vice: ' You will get your turn, Goshujin! Hang in there!'

It was until a man in a suit suddenly appeared in front of me, holding a walky-talky in his hand while staring down at me. Seeing how intimidating and towering he looked, I couldn't but only get more annoyed.

" What do you want?"

Man: " I had my eyes on you the moment you stepped inside here in the stadium. Mind if I take a little bit of your time?" - He casually said.

' Am I being hit on by the men in black?'

Vice: ' I expect no less from my Goshujin!'

Seeing as to how I didn't respond to his question, the man decided to get to the point.

Hololive's Sugar Idol [Hololive x fem/male reader]Where stories live. Discover now