Breaking the shell

639 31 19

Stop calling this story a hentai! It is made to be wholesome and sweet! >:(

Fubuki: " It's fine to be nervous but don't let it pull you down. Just give it your all and do your best, okay?"

' I'm walking alongside the cat lady! What a score!'

Fubuki: " Though that being said..."

Fubuki timidly turned around to look at me who was just walking behind her. Seeing as how I was just deeply admiring the fluffiness of her tail made her lost for words.

Fubuki: " I doubt you even feel an ounce of pressure... unlike the other four girls." - the girl meekly said.

' Look how her tail sways in such grace, Vice! It's so majestic... I want to touch it so bad...'

Vice: ' Why don't you try touching it? I don't think she would mind.'

' Foolish words, Vice. There is nothing more important in this world but consent! Especially from a lady!'

Fubuki: " Sugar-chan...? Are you listening?" - Fubuki firmly asked me as we continued to walk together.

" Ah, Haha..." - I timidly scratched my hair while nervously laughing. " I am feeling a little bit nervous, yeah... I'm just spacing out due to pressure..."

Well... that was just plain acting on my part. I didn't want her to think that I wasn't paying attention and was just ogling her tail the entire time. Fubuki squinted her eyes in response, probably skeptical about my acting.

Fubuki: " Well, if there's something I can do to make you less nervous, feel free to voice it out. I want to cheer for you girls!"

' There it is, my chance!'

" W-Well..." - I tried to act cute by nervously fidgeting my legs. " Shirakami-chan's tail looks so soft, and I want to try touching it... to calm myself down... can I...?"

To top it all off, I puffed both my eyes to appear as sincere as possible all while looking straight into Shirakami's eyes. Seeing how nervous(not) I looked made Shirakami completely stop walking; it seemed like she was completely captured by my cuteness.

Fubuki: " M-My tail is a little bit sensitive so I don't really allow other people to touch it b-but if it's to make you feel calmer, t-then feel free, Sugar-chan!" -

In her best attempt to not overdose on cuteness, she quickly grabbed her tail from behind and offered it to me, using her tail as a shield to hide her expressions.

Fubuki: " We have to make it quick though! We wouldn't want to make the panelists wait!"

Without missing a single beat, I jumped to her tail and gave it a tight hug, all while making sure it wasn't tight enough to hurt Shirakami. Just feeling her soft tail with my hands made me feel like I was deep in a bed of marshmallows; it was a bliss.

' I'm so glad I'm a girl right now. Not in a million years I would be able to do this as a guy.'

Fubuki: " A-Ahn... T-That really tickles... but thank you for being gentle..." - Fubuki bashfully said while biting the tip of her thumb; her entire cheeks were bright red.

Just when things couldn't get any better, I suddenly felt a hand brush the top of my head. When I looked up to see, I found Fubuki gently stroking my hair with a carefree smile. Finding myself being treated in such a way opened up a new emotion inside of me.

' I love her. Can I marry her?'

Vice: ' You do you, Goshujin...'

Three minutes later...

Hololive's Sugar Idol [Hololive x fem/male reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora