Preparing for swimming

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After their lively conversation in the communal lounge, Lily and Alex made their way back to their room, their minds buzzing with excitement. The prospect of trying out swim diapers for their aquatic escapades added an extra layer of anticipation to their stay at the diaper hotel.

As they walked, Lily suddenly thought about the practicalities of their upcoming activities and realized they needed swim diapers. With a spark of inspiration, she shared her idea with Alex, who immediately saw the wisdom in it. "That's a great idea," he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Let's go get some!"

Without wasting a moment, they grabbed their room keys and set off to find a nearby store where they could purchase the swim diapers. After a quick search on their phones, they located a Target and made their way there, eager to complete their mission.

Navigating through the store with purpose, Lily and Alex tried to blend in among the other shoppers, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. Finally reaching the diaper section, they scanned the shelves until they found what they were looking for—a pack of adult swim diapers designed to provide peace of mind while enjoying the pool. While reading the information on the pack, they learned that swim diapers are made to only hold solids.

As they headed to the checkout counter, they received a few curious glances from other customers, but the cashier greeted them with a friendly smile, understanding the purpose behind their purchase. With their swim diapers in hand, Lily and Alex thanked the cashier and made their way back to the hotel, eager to try them out.

Upon their return, they excitingly put on their swim wear with Lily saying "oops" as they realized they had forgotten about the swim diapers they had just bought. Chuckling at the oversight, they quickly removed their swimwear and took turns taping on the swim diapers, ensuring a secure fit before donning their swimwear once again with Lily wearing a bikini that shows her swim diaper a bit but she didn't really care about other people seeing it as they were in the diaper hotel where other people are also diapered.

With their preparations complete, Lily and Alex were ready to dive into the pool and enjoy a day of aquatic fun. As they made their way to the pool area, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited them, knowing that their swim diapers would provide the comfort and confidence they needed to make the most of their time together.

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