10.5: Masquerade Pt.2

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"Angel, that's enough-" Aria tried to stop Angel from pushing Husk's boundaries, but he pretended to not listen. He continued on nonetheless, and in response the winged cat held up his hand as a gesture for Angel to stop. "Don't. Even start." He growled.

But he didn't stop. Angel pushed even further and even grabbed one of Husk's fluffy wings. "Oh, come on!" He smirked. "I bet I can make those wings flap reaaal hard-"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Husk pushed Angel off him, causing the latter to land back onto the stool. At the same time, the bottle of alcohol slipped from Husk's hand and smashed on the floorboards, spilling everywhere and a bit onto Aria as well. "Ah!" She yelped, backing away from the bar as to not get her fur wet, which was proven futile. Most of the liquor splashed on her calves and paws.

"STOP!" Husk yelled at Angel while tossing a towel to Aria just in case she needed to wipe the alcohol off herself. "You can cut the act already. It's never going to work on me, so all you're doing is making a fool out of yourself with this fake nonsense."

Agitated, offended and enraged, Angel stood up from his stool to get into Husk's face. His pupils glowed neon magenta, along with the smaller eyes that resembled freckles on his face. "Call me fake one more time, prick! I dare you."  He challenged.

Aria shook her head in dismay as Husk made the decision to poke Angel's chest fluff. "Husk, no-" she warned, only for it to be a beat too late. "Fake." The winged feline smirked smugly.

In an attempt to attack Husk, Angel stood up, only for his head to bang on the bar ceiling and fall back, landing on the floor. "You little- Arrgh! God!" He groaned, holding his head in pain.

"Angel!" Aria exclaimed, wanting to help him up only to be pushed away harshly when he stood up by himself. Letting out a grunt, she looked on as her best friend threw a maniacally angry fit.

"You know what?" Angel yelled, throwing a bottle of alcohol at Husk, only for it to miss. "You would be lucky to get a chance to spend one night with me! Ya know how much I'm worth?!?!" He grinned madly, running a hand over his hair before continuing, trying desperately to keep his persona on. "You know how many people would kill to get at least one chance with Angel Dust? Up yours. Have fun being lonely for the rest of your damned life!"

"Angel, no!" Aria pleaded, grabbing Angel's wrist only to be shoved away again in blind rage. Seeing her first friend push her away like that...it stung like the stinger of a giant hornet. "No! Where are you going??"

"OUT! And don't you dare follow me!" Angel screamed back before pushing past Vaggie and storming out of the Hotel, slamming the front door shut tight.

Vaggie's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Woah- the Hell? Where is he going?" She asked sternly towards Husk and Aria, who was hugging herself with her arms and tail. "Guys, what did you do?"

"Made him a drink." Husk replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly before gesturing to Aria. "And doll was tryna stop him from walking out. But it's just Angel, he'll be fine."

Charlie approached the group with a somber expression. " He looks really upset, though. And I'm not so sure about him being fine. I really messed up at the studio today and he got... ugh, it was... it wasn't good, okay?"

"What did I tell you, Charlie?" Aria shook her head once more, crossing her arms as her tail flicked around in concern for her distraught friend and anger towards the naive Princess. "What did I say about going after him?! Now look what has happened!"

Charlie grimaced and looked towards the ground in guilt and shame while Vaggie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear reassuringly. "Okay! We get it, Aria." Vaggie said to Aria with a much less aggressive tone. "We're sorry for not listening to you at first. But now our main concern is Angel. Can we agree on that?"

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