I stare at her in shock. "She told people?" I can't believe she got pissed at me whenever I asked to confide in even my closest friends, and here I find out practically half of the globe knew. Then I look at her with my eyes narrowed, "So this wasn't you being some incredible 'I have eyes everywhere' FBI, secret spy bullshit, it was just utter coincidence?"

"Pretty much." She nods, a slight smile forming in the corner of her mouth.


All of what happened between us could have been easily avoided had I never given in and slept with Hayley. At least I understand why Leah felt like she could dangle that over me.

"What are we supposed to do now Leah." I sigh into my hands.

She shrugs, "We made a contract, we stick to it. Follow the rules and finish the game, that's what we do."

"That doesn't sound very smart Le."

She raises her eyebrow at the nickname but doesn't mention it. "We've already made a mess, our relationship is beyond fucked up why not at least see it finished out. Enjoy what we can." She takes the bottle from me finishing the last of the whiskey. "I like to win any competitions I join anyways."

"Who says you'll win?" I half joke.

"I just have a feeling I will."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that one Williamson."

"Yeah? Why's that?" She places the empty bottle on the floor.

I reach towards her, my fingertips dance over her thig creeping their way further up. "Because..." I look up at her, "Miss Williamson..." I eye her up and down, virtually undressing her with my eyes, "As much as you try to hide it, I have the same effect on you as you do on me."

She tilts her head, challenging me, "do enlighten me."

As my hand flattens out over her thigh, squeezing gently, she sucks in a breath sharply. Slowly exhaling as that same hand lets go and instead finds its way to her half-exposed arm. I run my finger across her skin, feeling the goosebumps slowly form.

Her legs separate as I skilfully straddle over one of her legs, pressing myself against her thigh while simultaneously pressing my thigh between the centre of her legs, creating the same pressure and friction I can feel.

I steady myself with my hands around the back of her neck, my thumbs drawing small patterns over her skin. Her breath is warm and heavy as she breathes quickly, a smile slowly lifting my lips as I prove my point so perfectly with the simplest actions.

"I've hardly even done anything and look at you, you're a mess." I whisper quietly into her ear. I hold up a front of complete composure to her, but I can say that without a shadow of a doubt, that I feel the exact same way as her right now. It takes all of my will power to resist the urge to move my hips.

Her hands grip my waist, pulling me closer to her, forcing the aching between my legs to slide against her thigh ever so slightly. I breathe out slowly in a futile attempt to calm myself down but the ringing of her phone quickly snaps me out of my battle to compose myself.

She pulls her phone out of her pocket, immediately declining the call. "If they waited until now to talk to me, then they can wait until this is done." She smiles up at me.

But the phone has awoken me ever so slightly. Sobering me enough to know that I shouldn't be doing whatever it is that I am doing. "Leah, its far past midnight and you're drunk."

She nods her head, "congratulations on pointing out the obvious."

"How exactly are you planning on getting home?" I ask her.

"You see, I hadn't thought that far ahead before driving here."

I quickly pull myself off of her lap, earning the sweetest of groans from her as I stand up.

"You can stay here," I offer, she raises an eyebrow at me, "In the guest room." I add, very necessarily.

"I can just call an uber or something."

I shake my head, "I am not sending you in an uber, drunk at almost one in the morning."

"I can take care of myself." She huffs.

"I don't doubt that for a second, but Leah, honestly do you even know who you are? England captain and Arsenal player. For my own peace of mind, please just stay here for the night."

She nods her head, finally giving in, "Which is the guest room?"

I grab her hand and guide her down the hall, "here. I'll get you something to sleep in." I quickly walk into my own room, and grab a t-shirt and some sleep shorts for her. I make my way back to the guest room and giver her the pajamas, "If you need anything, that's my door just come in."


I walk away to clear up the living room, but as I make my way back to my room my eyes focus on the half open door of the guest room. I shouldn't be looking but I've seen her now and I can't help it. I can just make out her reflection in the mirror as she pulls my shirt over her head. I turn away as she begins to pull down her jeans, trying my best to give her privacy.

I walk into my room and close the door behind me. I lean against the wood groaning at myself for looking, even if it was only for a second because now it is going to be impossible to get the image of her perfectly sculpted body out of my mind.


She is right next door. That is the only thing that fills my mind as I lay in my bed, my head in a drunken lust fueled haze. She is right next door, wearing my clothes, in my guest bed. My sheets no doubt coated in her perfume.

Go to sleep.

A light tap on my door forces me to sit up, "What's up?" I ask.

She opens my door walking into my room. I climb out of my bed, walking over towards her. The blue of her eyes now reduced to a thin ring as her pupils dilate to the dark room. "I can't sleep." She says lowly, stepping impossibly closer to me as she speaks.

There is only one reason why she would be here right now. And there is only one reason that I so desperately wished that she would come in here.


Without a second word or warning necessary I let her pull me flush against her body, her lips pressing against mine.

Her lips against mine.


Looks like I'm winning after all. 

A/N: Short chapter but I saw the opportunity to leave it on a cliffhanger and couldn't pass it up. Sorry, but not sorry at all. ;)

Pitched Off- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now