The Horrors of War.

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Danny thinks to himself."Oh well, denying it is no longer an option."Danny Turns around and asks in a playful tone."Yes, I did. What are you going to do about it?"

Ron, Ginny, and the Twins exclaim at the same time."Bloody Hell." Everyone is looking on with an open mouth.

William Weasley, known to everyone as Bill. Thinks to himself."Well, it was nice knowing Danny."

Molly fumes and shouts out."YOUR GROUND... YOU GET UP TO YOUR RO... AHHHRG." And she storms off shouting and swearing the entire time.

It's deadly silent for a moment. and George asks, shocked."HOW?" Danny says."I have the most Ancient, Most noble magic of them all."

Ron asks."Meaning?" Danny."I have the power you have not. Im not her kid, so she can't punish me."

Fred says."Yeah, but she could have killed you." Danny said."That was a risk I was willing to take." Everyone starts laughing.

Danny turns to Hermoine and says."You have got to work on your social skills."

Hermoine says, ashamed."Im sorry, Danny. Are you Mad at me?" Danny says."Furious." Hermoine asks softly."Do you still love me?" Danny says."Of course, I do."

Bill says to himself."Charlie is never going to believe this."

Later that night. In the kitchen after the kids have turned in for the night.

Molly shouts out."OUT OF ALL THE THINGS..." Arthur says."Come on, Molly. Be realistic. The Twins were never going to join the ministry. This way, they dont have to deal with questionable people to gather the funds."

Molly says."It's just not what I envisioned for my children." Arthur says."It's their life, Molly. You have to let it go. And besides, do you want your kids in THIS ministry?"

Molly signs."I hope it will be alright." Arthur asks."Why won't you ask Danny tomorrow what the deal was? Mabye that will put your mind at ease."

The next day.

Molly asks."So what was the deal the three of you agreed upon?" Danny says."Well, I gave my winnings to the twins. After they told me what their dream was."

Molly says."But that was a small fortune." Danny says."I do not need that money. And besides, I would not have given them the money if I did not believe they could succeed."

Danny continues."As for the deal itself. My only stipulation was that they under no circumstances sell Love Potions."

Molly asks."What do you have against love potions?" Danny says."It takes away someone's free will. And they become enthralled with the person with the Potion Is keyed too. It's the imperious curse in a bottle."

Dumbledore walks in and says."It's get even worse than that. Children conceived under the Potion will have stunted emotional growth. They will in the worst cases. Be incapable of love."

Danny says in realization."That's why he can kill without remorse." Dumbledore says."I have a meeting with Severus." And everyone leaves.

Dumbledore says."Except for you, Daniel. James asked if you would partake as well."

Danny says."Okay, I see you all later." James walks Into the room, followed by Snape.

Snape begins."Lucius Malfoy is dead." Dumbledore asks."What happened?" Snape replies."When Mr Potter escaped against all odds, The dark lord's wrath turned against his followers."

Danny asks."But why would he kill his second in command? And his main financial backer?" James says."I agree with you, son. Even with Voldemort's temper, this does not make sense."

Dumbledore asks."What did Voldemort say about Lucius?" Snape says."Pettigrew, to save himself. Told the dark lord what happened in the chamber."

Danny asks."He flipped his shit and killed him?" Snape says."That does seem to be the case. But what disturbed me was the manner. Of how Lucius met his end."

James asks."Dont he just use the torture curse and then the killing curse to finish him off?" Snape says."That would have been a kindness compared to the truth."

Dumbledore says."Continue Severus." Snape says."He had Greyback..." All three say."Okay, we get the picture." Snape says."He made Narcissa watch and then cast out of her own home."

Danny says."That explains Draco's behavior at the end of last year." Snape nods, and Dumbledore says."Well, this explains the increased Brutality shown by the Death Eaters."

James says."I hated Malfoy! But compared to Bellatrix, he was a voice of moderation among the death eaters. Bellatrix only wants to see the world burn."

Danny asks."What about Draco? He did not make any friends in the other houses. And with His family in disgrace, he will be a target almost 24/7."

Dumbledore says."Perhaps this will allow Young Draco to grow out of his father's shadow."

Dumbledore says."If this is all?" All three nod. And Dumbledore says."Then this meeting is adjourned."

Dumbledore turns to danny and says."I believe this is the part. Were you supposed to tell me I told you so?"

Danny says."I dont feel like it." Danny walks off and says in the door opening."But between you and me, I bloody well told you so!"

James says."Your attempts at an English accent are insulting, son." Danny says."Im an American. I can't help myself."

James laughs while Dumbledore chuckles.

That night.

Danny says."Im going ghost." He transforms and heads out. He flies around the countryside And after a while. While taking a break, he feels a chill in the air.

Danny says while questioning it. "Dementors out here?" Danny decides to turn invisible and follows them.

He sees a sign that says Little Whinging. danny thinks to himself."Why does that sound familiar?"

Danny sees the dementors descending on a playground. And there are a couple of boys hanging around.

The boys start to feel the joy leaving their bodies. And they look at each other.

One of the boys says."I dont like this Im going home." The other boys separated, each going their separate way.

Danny sees that the Dementors seem to have taken an interest in the biggest boy. Danny finds the boy. The boy was pinned to a wall in a tunnel by the dementors.

Danny thinks to himself."Damn, Can't use magic. I need to use my Ecto ray."

Danny blasts both dementors away. He looks at the boy and says."Oh, Crud, you have got to be kidding me."

End of Chapter.

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