A Prophecy Awakens.

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Fenton residence.

The party at the Fentons kicks off, and everyone has arrived. His Parents and Sister, His Uncle, And His two best friends. Samantha Manson(Sam for friends) And Tucker Foley. Sam and Tucker have been Danny's best friends since kindergarten.

But Danny now has to tell them. Danny has to go to school in Britain without revealing. That Danny is, in fact, a Wizard.

Danny pulls them aside and says."Guys, I have to tell you something. My birth parents signed me up for their old school. And I got a Letter in the mail. That says I start on September 1." Tucker says."That blows. But it's not like it's in another country or something." Danny says."It's in England." Sam Asks."New England?" And Danny replies."The one in Europe."

They both look surprised but then hug Danny. and Sam says."Dont worry, Danny. We can still hang out like always during the Summer and Winter breaks." Tucker adds."We can still write to each other." Danny notes sadly."But It won't be the same without you."

Maddy, who walks in. says. "That is one of the lesser fun parts of growing up. Now, kids, let's go downstairs. It's time for cake."

Everyone is having a slice of chocolate cake. And then it's time for the best part of any birthday party. Danny gets to open his Presents. From Jack and Maddy, he gets a camera. From Jazz, he gets two empty books.

Tucker and Sam give him a movie ticket for the newest "Talking Animal Film(Horror movie)" and a new video game. And Uncle Vlad says he will get his gift tomorrow.

The party dies down, and everyone goes home. Vlad is the exception.

Meanwhile, at Hogwarts.

McGonagall is walking around the corridor. She Wondering to herself why she agreed. To let Dumbledore hide the Philosopher's Stone. In Hogwarts, despite the dangers.

Sybill Trelawney walks up to Minerva and says in a raspy voice. "The Chosen One awakens tonight. He and Nine others shall unite. And they shall change the wizarding world forever. And in the end, the Dark Lord shall tremble at the wrath of the Halfa."

She then seems to come back to normal and says."Hello, Minerva. Could you tell me what im doing here?" McGonagall says."I have been wondering about that. From the moment you showed up. Good day, Sybill."

McGonagall walks away and thinks to herself. "Divination is such a woolly subject."

After the Party. In the lab.

Jack says."The party is over. Now, how do we do this?" Vlad says."Oh, Jack, may I? You won't have to give me anything for Christmas." Jack says."Go ahead, V-man." Jack Internally says."Im still going to get him something for Christmas."

Vlad clears his throat and shouts."Young Man, you are not allowed to go to the lab tonight. Is that understood?" Danny Yells back."I was not going to. Geez."

Vlad says to Jack and Maddy."And now we wait. I give it an hour."

An Hour Later.

Danny is Looking around in the lab. He sees the Portal. Danny thinks to himself. "Wow, I can't believe they built a working portal. And to another Dimension." He finds the plug and thinks to himself while plugging it in."A quick look won't hurt anyone."

He sees a Hazmat suit and puts it on. He thinks to himself."Safety first." He walks into the Portal. And He accidentally presses the ON button.

The Portal activates. Danny's very DNA becomes infused with Ecto Energy. He Becomes a Half-Human Wizard/Half Ghost. And soon Danny passes out.

Danny Phantom and the Wizarding World.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora